Title: 10 Kisses, A James/Scorpius Story
Author: Hanson Phreek
Pairing/Characters: James Sirius/Scorpius, Albus Severus, Lily Luna, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass
Word Count: 2,582
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A top ten kisses countdown.
Notes: I had planned on doing this one like the H/D ten kisses I did but the muse had other ideas. I really like how this turned out. And even though I don't usually do this particular pairing (I've only done it once before) I really, really like this fic.
Special Thanks: To Marmaid, who left me a review on the H/D and requested this pairing.
Spoilers/Warnings: Epilogue compliant, M/M relationship and kissing, fluff
Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story. I make no money from it.
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