Feb 10, 2014 16:35
So for those of you that don't know, I got a job working as a parent paraeducator with St. Mary's County Public Schools Head Start. Basically I'm the teacher's assistant's assistant. I work in a full-day 4-year-old class, but not the one Harley's in. And I LOVE it, It' so much fun. I get to play with kids and do some teacher-y things. I run copies, put up bulletin boards, work with small groups of kids on learning activities, and lead the entire class in activities when the teacher and teacher's assistant are both out of the room. It's like my dream job.
A little over halfway through the school year is the 100th day. The elementary schools (at least) have a big celebration for it where they have a party and count out 100 items. Some of the teachers ask the kids to bring in items and others don't. The teacher I work with asked the kids to bring in items, so I figured Harley's teacher would too. So, struck with inspiration (in the form of a suggestion made by Missy) I decided I'd be prepared and have 100 paper cranes. I counted up the ones I had left from when I started folding them (I'd lost some to the trash [thanks mom] and some to the kids) and found I was already halfway there!
I spent about a week folding the rest. Harley's teacher never asked for the kids to bring anything in. SO now I'm taking them in to my class. The 100th day is either tomorrow or Wednesday (we've had so many snow days already I can't keep track anymore) and I can't wait to see the kids reactions when I show them my 100 paper cranes.
(and struck with some more inspiration I decided to make origami valentines for my class and Harley's class. so when I finished the cranes I started folding hearts. I had to fold 60 of them, but they're done too)
Cranes folded: 117
Cranes to go: 883