(no subject)

Jan 19, 2014 14:45

Title: The Hounds will Stay in Chains
Featuring: Isaac, Taylor, and Zac
Warnings: Language, Dark Situations

When he finally wakes, the splitting headache nearly sends him back out for a second round. He swallows the sudden bout of nausea and rolls over on to his side, the chains binding his arms and legs clanking in the silence. He breathes deeply through the cloth gag in his mouth, knowing that if he throws up, he will choke and most likely, die, on his own vomit.

A pitiful end for an otherwise good life.

He forces his eyes open, squinting at the bright intrusion until it's no longer so cruel to his gaze and he is able to take a proper look at his surroundings. He's lying in a lit room that looks suspiciously like someone's bathroom. Directly from where he is lying, there is a toilet and sink, and he can feel the length of a bathtub pressing against his back. Out of the corner an eye, he sees the door. He's sure it is locked.

Once his eyes are fully adjusted to the light, he forces himself to roll into a sitting position. The chains move with him, although they still restrict him from being able to put his hands behind himself and push himself into a standing position. He tries anyway because it's not in his nature to give up.

He sways precariously on the balls of his feet before he crashes back down, his knees taking the brunt of the impact. He inhales sharply, gagging on the cloth again. He wants it out of his mouth. He wants many things right now - he wants to be home with his family, he wants to be smiling and safe, he wants to be free of chains and handcuffs. Right now though, he would settle for being free of the gag.

Read the rest here!
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