Feb 25, 2010 22:34
...in regards to my dreams! I haven't been posting them recently, and I was wondering why, since I was pretty sure I had a few weird ones here and there... until I realized that I had been posting tidbits on twitter, and not on LJ. Whoops! Well, since Twitter has a character limit, I only have sort sentences that don't really help me recollect the dreams in their entirety.
"Was bitten by a ton of cartoon-y red snakes and the holes they left went all the way to the bone. Only, it wasn't bone. It was... plates of metal screwed into my bones. My legs were fake. Earlier, I broke my ankles and had an operation done without my knowing."
"I was pop-locking with a bunch of random people at a school. The girl next to me wouldn't stop touching me. Keith didnt seem happy.
Then we all went into another room and watched "Hikari Sentai Maskman"... and all I can hear/see was the opening to that show."
"The world was coming to an end because of 7 losers (decidedly insane) decided to align the planets by artificial means. They looked so happy, waving and cheering, as the rest of the world went into chaos. I sat in my small room, alone, in front of my TV. Their faces were the last thing I saw, as I mouthed a quick prayer, and the world went black... for but a second. Was it just a hoax? No. I opened my eyes and saw the same dumb faces. Looked up, the planets hadn't aligned yet. Time was just repeating itself forever."
"A Killer7/NMH-esque storyline with a zombie epidemic forces a family to relocate to a shelter. "Rooms" were located along the walls of escalators where you had to open tiny doors with a key QUICKLY in succession as you went up. The kids wouldn't stop fucking complaining! It was like a contest of who was most miserable: 'my left AND right feet hurt! WAHHH.' "
Little GI.JOE-like men were shrunk into microscopic size then sent into a sick someone's bloodstream to fight the problem FROM WITHIN
Ahahahaha yes. That is all.