May 25, 2006 21:11
*generic i never wirte in this thing so its about time intro*
So not much has changed, but im bored so i figured i would write. Im still doing the Clear Channel thing for those of you who dont know. Although i love my job, im not sure how much longer i can go on doing it for mental and finacial reasons, but i guess most people go through things like this at this point in thier lives. But most of all i just want to move out of my house by some sort of means. Come the end of august if im still home it will be jsut me and mom and im not sure i can deal with beign home alone all the time. Solitude tends to drive me crazy. I think everyone who cares to read this all ready knows all of this but whateva.
On another note, Im coming up on 6 months as a vegan. Im pretty proud/happy for myself and believe it or not i have never regretted it once. Ive finnaly got the jist of it all down and i know what i can and cat eat for the most part and ive also started eating things i never thought i would, so overall its been a great desicion.
Jay man gets home soon. Im not too sure when exactly that is, how about you reply to this telling me when...sounds good. Speaking of millitary firends, there still has been no word from steve since hes been back in the states, but he has a history of dissapearing off the face of the earth for a while here and there.
well thats all for now. I'm gonna try and post more often with interesting stories and the such if they ever happen. werd.