(no subject)

Jul 08, 2007 13:50

Feeling much better from my last post - my shoulders and back ached horribly, as I thought they would, and the ride to Sacramento was agony, but the wedding itself was really fun and I love my boyfriend's family and they really love me, so it was great to see everybody. We got back late last night and went out to breakfast this morning and yeah, Hans is in a happy place.

I'm making a list of my next projects, for my own reference and to see if anybody's interested. Some of these are a lot more developed then others, but:

1. Roy/Ed; Full Metal Alchemist: for my Sweet Charity winner. (Almost done with this, actually)
2. Wincest, Sam/Dean/Michael; Supernatural: crackfic!collaboration with essenceofmeanin, which will be our first fic collab since we were, I don't know, thirteen. VERY excited about this one. Taking place in this gem of American architecture and interior design - a haunted hotel that burned down but still reappears on full moons, sucking innocent passerbys into a disco nightmareish orgy that they may never escape from. Featuring a pimp ghost and a dance-off/rock-off and lots and lots of sex.
3. Wee!chester story for tvm, gen: visiting Pastor Jim. Still trying to work out a plot/point for this one.
4. Eight fucking million SPN Three Things for clex_monkie89 and namegoeshere. They literally gave me like, EVERY CHARACTER in SPN, including some that I think they made up.

I think I owe other people some stories. If I do, please tell me, okay? I'm not intentionally leaving anybody out.

Now, a meme.

01. Do I have a distinct style of writing?
02. If so, what exactly is it that defines my style?
03. Would you say my stories follow a certain theme?
04. Is there anything you feel I ought to improve or change?
05. Does my style (if I have one) remind you of anyone else?
06. Judging from whatever writing of mine that you've seen, what do you think is/are my strength(s)?
07. What do you think are my weaknesses?

I would definitely love any concrit or feedback. All right, now I think I'm gonna go clean.


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