I am delighted by the world today, and for absolutely no reason. Woke up with an amazing feeling of well-being - my house is warm, I'm in a fuzzy robe, I had yesterday off and worked on fic all day and tomorrow is new Supernatural and I'm probably going over to my friends' house and forcing it on them. My bunny runs over every time I put my foot down and demands to be foot!petted. Life is beautiful, guys.
I am, however, very hungry, which is sort of a bummer considering that there's really only bread to eat. Or pasta. Or rice. I've got starches covered, but not much else.
So I'm considering doing the
spn_j2_bigbang but god, I'm so horrible at challenges. I mean, I have an idea, I could do that time travel Wincest thing but I'm such a slow writer that it's ridiculous. It is lame as hell. Although I guess we have from February to May to finish the first draft, and if I blocked each chapter (7 or 10 in all, probably) ... aaargh. I gotta think about it.
Going home this weekend; haven't gotten to spend any solid time with my mom since Christmas, which is weird as hell. Over the summer and last spring, I wasn't working, just going to school, and my mom lost her job in the springtime, so we spent some serious bonding time and now we're both so busy that I only talk to her every few days. It's sad, but I suppose it's life; the biggest conflict on my time now is just that I'm working and going to school; once I graduate and find a real job with hours that don't change every week, I'm sure it'll get better.