shored likes to help me work out plot kinks in The Spinning World and other stories by FEEDING ME A STRAIGHT STREAM OF CRACK.
shored: theo is exotic like zebra!
hansbekhart: yeah, but he's also ugly and therefore in JKR's world, he's no good
shored: aw, too bad
shored: theo/hermione otp
hansbekhart: i know. same thing with millicent. how shall she and dean ever find happiness?
shored: dude, i already told you
shored: ps: dean to be getting all up on that booty
shored: slytherins: WHAT
shored: draco: haryyyyyyy
hansbekhart: eheheheheheheh
shored: seamus: captain moooorgan
shored: damn totally drives seamus to drink and you know it
shored: *dean
hansbekhart: omg yes
shored: theirloveissoinebriated
I <3 her.
shored: you forgot to put that theo's eyes are BLAZING AMETHYST
shored: clearly the most important part of the conversation