Nov 01, 2011 11:04

Penis Enlargement
The average man's viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy is merely a muscle that has never been developed; it will respond to the correct stimulus like any other comparatively unexercised skeletal muscle. An increase in penis size cannot be accomplished overnight; but from within three months to a year the average individual could increase both the length and the circumference of the penis extensively.
Men equate a bigger penis with having more strength, power, and vitality. In fact the size of his manhood directly affects his self-image, relationships and sexual performance. Thus, the numbers of men who are seeking remedies to enlarge their penis is on the rise. One survey puts 98% of men desiring a bigger penis than the one they currently have. You may be one of these men. If so, base your selection on the answers to these two questions.

1.What are the different kinds of methods of Penis Enlargement Techniques?
2. What is the safest and most effective method to enlarging one’s penis
Penis Surgery?

This procedure involves the following; penis lengthening and widening surgery in the flaccid and erect state and glanular enhancement, flaccid penile straightening, correction of glanular disproportion, correction of penoscrotal webbing (turkey neck), scrotal reduction, foreskin modification, and reduction of infrapubic and suprapubic. This procedure does not have a high success rate, and its complications are serious, from penis curving, scarring to impotence. In addition, it is the most expensive of all penis enlargement methods, as penile surgery can cost you $9,500.00 up. Despite the attendant risks involved, estimates of American men undergoing the procedure is placed at 125,000 since the surgery first became available in the 1990’s. No surgery is risk free, but you can further minimize this by consulting a member surgeon of the American Academy of Phalloplasty Surgeons and educating yourself on the procedure.

Penis Enlargement Exercises
The premise behind these exercise programs is that the erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa) in your penis can be subjected to a set of exercises to make your member stronger. If you choose these exercises, realize it is time-consuming and when done incorrectly, will could permanently injure your penis. Read the instructions carefully prior to starting any penis enlargement exercises.
This first penis enlargement technique is highly effective for lengthening the penis. The premise is simple enough and performing this technique is even easier. All you have to do is gently grasp your glans (penis head) and pull, without letting up (except as noted below), for 5 full minutes. Here's the technique:
Pull your penis straight out from your body and hold for 60 seconds. Now let go for 5 seconds and shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your glans.
Pull straight towards the floor for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your glans.
Pull straight towards your chin for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your glans.
Pull to the right for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your glans.
Pull to the left for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your glans.
The additional benefits of this exercise is your penis is now well warmed up and prepared for the massive girth penis enlargement technique.
Attain Massive GirthThis penis exercise requires a bit more instruction but it's easy to perform once you know the nuts and bolts of the technique. We're going to spend some extra time here because there are some warnings about this technique:
This technique is to be performed in a partially erect state. If you become too aroused during this technique injury to your blood vessels may occur! You will need to stop and allow yourself to "come down" prior to continuing.
This technique should always follow the lengthening technique. Blood spotting, bruising and mild lumpiness (all temporary conditions) may occur without being properly warmed up for this technique.
You'll be gripping your penis firmly for this enlargement exercise, but again, too firm a grip may cause damage to your blood vessels. You'll have to find a firm yet gentle grip for this technique.
You're going to need a good lubricant for this exercise and maintain the viscosity for the duration of the exercise. We recommend Baby Oil or K-Y Jelly.
Here's how to perform this natural penis enlargement exercise that will both greatly thicken as well as lengthen your penis:
The first thing to do for this exercise is to attain a partial erection. The purpose of this is to get some blood into the penis - for it's the movement of the blood throughout the penis during this exercise which will expand Your erectile tissue.
Using your index finger and thumb, wrap your penis at the base, way down as close to your testicles as possible.
Gently squeeze your penis with your thumb and forefinger to trap the blood inside your erectile tissue.
Now, slide your thumb and forefinger "ring" down the shaft of your penis towards the glans (penis head).
At the moment your first hand reaches the glans, take your other hand and begin the same process. You'll be alternating hands - right, left, right, left, etc. A single repetition should last a full second before starting with your other hand.
Complete exercise over a 5 minute period.
Amazing IsometricsThis is a key natural penis enlargement exercise for realizing consistent gains from years and years to come if you so wish. What this penis exercise does is it isometrically expands the smooth muscle tissue found in your penis and it consistently and continually expands the elasticity of the penis tendon making unlimited gains possible. You may wish to use a hand towel for this technique. Here's how to do it:

This exercise requires a full blown erection to perform. Once you are maximized, take the palm of your hand, facing towards the floor and cup it over your glans (penis head). If you wish to use a hand towel it's just as effective and we'll explain how as we go through this.
Now, slowly and gently, push your penis towards the floor. Go as far as you can comfortably go but not further than parallel to the floor. If you're using a towel, gently pull the ends of the towel towards the floor to lower the angle of your penis. Very slowly, and with great care, begin to flex your PC Muscle by doing a Kegel. The secret is to not allow your hand (or towel) to be moved by your penis as your penis fights against your hand (or towel) to raise back up towards your chin.
Once you attain a solid flex of the PC Muscle through your Kegel hold your Kegel flex and your hand (or towel) in place for 10 seconds then slowly release your Kegel and allow your penis to rise back up by lifting your hand (or the towel) from your penis.
Re attain a maximized erection for the next rep. You should be able to repeat this process 5 times - once per minute.
We know that many men suffer from Premature Ejaculation and even more men wish they could just last longer. This is a fantastic natural penis exercise technique that will give you unlimited staying power. You'll be able to cum when you're damn good and ready and never sooner. Here's how it's done:
Start with some warm-ups. Slowly flex your PC Muscle and release 30 times. On the last flex, hold the contraction of your PC Muscle as long as possible, up to one minute.
Repeat entire process. Next, massage your penis continually until you're at the brink of ejaculation. The moment you feel the urge, CLAMP DOWN ON YOUR PC MUSCLE AS HARD AS YOU CAN (remember, this is an INTERNAL squeeze) and take quick breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Use the power of your mind to hold back your ejaculation! Keep holding the clamp on your PC until the urge has completely subsided.
Again, you'll want to massage your penis to climax and then CLAMP DOWN ON YOUR PC MUSCLE! Follow your breathing as you did before and your visualization. Now, do 300 (minimum) PC Flexes as you learned above. Finally, bring your penis to climax again. This time, let it fly. Finish up with a nice hot towel wrap.

Traction or Penis Enlargement Devices
These are medical devices, which commonly work by applying pressure or stretching force, “traction” to the penis, to enlarge and lengthen it. Traction works by stressing the tissues through stretching, and then the body is allowed to rebuild its tissues naturally.Of all the methods of penis enlargement, traction devices have the highest rate of success and there is clinical evidence to show for it. For example, traction devices are used on mastectomy patients, who require augmented skin and muscle, prior to reconstructive surgery.

Natural Penis Enlargement Pills and Penis Patches
Anecdotal evidence, suggests oral and trans-derma products provide the user harder and more erections, resulting in a better sex life. However, most users use these supplements with other penis enlargement methods, like traction devices or exercises. Therefore, it is not easy to gauge the effectiveness of the pill or patches independently.
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