Moonlight Destiny : Chapter Four

Aug 20, 2008 00:32

Title: Moonlight Destiny

Chapter: Chapter Four

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Supernatural, Crack, AU

Summary: One is a vampire prince; the other is just a normal human. When their path cross, will there be any hostility between them, or will love blossom?

Disclaimer: Only in my dream that they are mine.

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It’s been a few weeks after their encounter but neither Ryo nor Tatsuya can forget about the other. Every night Ryo goes to the club, hoping to catch a glance of Tatsuya but it seems that since that night, Tatsuya hadn’t come to the club anymore. But Ryo didn’t give up hope. He believes that perhaps one day he will meet Tatsuya again. That is why he still keeps on coming to the club, much to the amusement of Yoko and Tackey since they knew how reluctant Ryo is when it’s come to going to the club that pack with people. But today, Ryo has a feeling that Lady Luck is by his side. He didn’t know why but he gets a feeling that he might see that person he wants to meet so much.


“Why are you so gloomy, Tat-chan? Did something happen?”Tomoyo asks as she plops down beside Tatsuya. Tatsuya just look solemnly at Tomoyo.

“Now I know why you don’t like that Marina girl. She’s so clingy. I hate that. I hate her.”Tatsuya says, pouting.

“Hah, I know there’s a reason why I don’t like her. She tried to seduce you, didn’t she? But I still think there’s something else about her, but I can’t put my finger on what it is?” Tomoyo says.

“Can we stop talking about her? I don’t want to be reminded of her stalking me. Not to mention her high pitched voice, Tatsuya-sama that, Tatsuya-sama this. Ah, so annoying.” Tatsuya says with irritation. Tomoyo just laugh at Tatsuya’s misfortunate.

“Well my dear prince, I’m sorry to hear that. You know, out of the three siblings, I only like Elizabeth. She‘s so kind and thoughtful, not to mention funny as well. As for Kathryn, well, you know why I hate her. And the youngest, Marina, I don’t know why but my instinct tells me to be wary of her. I don’t even know how they can be related to each other, well except for Kathryn and Marina that is.” Tomoyo concludes.

“You only like Elizabeth because she’s married your older brother, Takeru. And as for Kathryn, I don’t like her too. And what she did to you is simply horrible, I mean that guy was already courting you wasn’t he, but I’m kinda glad as well because I never like the guy. And Pi and Kazu also agree with me. What’s his name again?” Tatsuya asks. Tomoyo just shrugs, trying her best looking as if she didn’t know what Tatsuya is talking about.

“Anyway, I’m going out. Tell Pi and Kazu, ne. I don’t want they send a search party if I don’t come home tonight. As if I can’t take care of myself.” Tomoyo says as she stands up.

“Wait, where are you going? Are you going to leave me here alone? Are you trying to kill me with boredom? And what if Marina comes here and annoys me. Nuh uh, you’re not going to leave me here. You’re going to take me with you to where ever you’re going.” Tatsuya says as he is standing.

“Fine by me. Besides, I’m just going to the club, meeting a couple of people, drinking some stuff, dancing and etc. And you, don’t go off wondering again. If you want to go home, tell me. We’re going home together. No need to repeat last few weeks performance.” Tomoyo says. Tatsuya just rolled his eyes.

“Yes, ma’am.” He says as he follows Tomoyo. Unbeknown to them, a pair of eyes watching them leaving with hatred.


As Tomoyo and Tatsuya make their way into the club, a few people look at them and recognizing them as the beautiful dancer a few weeks back. When they sit comfortably at the VIP lodge, Tatsuya watch Tomoyo waves cheerily at the man that has captures Tomoyo attention the first time they come.

“Ah, I see now. So, he’s the reason why you want to come here, hmm?” Tatsuya asks with a smirk.  Tomoyo just punch Tatsuya lightly on his shoulder, her face blushing a bit. “Shut up, Tatsuya.” Tatsuya just laugh at Tomoyo’s blushing face.

“Don’t you want to introduce me to him?” Tatsuya asks. “Why should I do that?” Tomoyo asks, raising her eyebrow.

“Well, I want to know what so special about him that manages to capture your attention. As I remember, it is very hard to get the attention of Lady Tomoyo.” Tatsuya says.

“Fine, let me introduce you with him.” Tomoyo says in resignation. “What is his name, anyway?” Tatsuya asks.

“His name is Takizawa Hideaki, but he said to call him Tackey. He always comes here with his two friends, Ryo and Yoko but it seems like only Yoko is here today. I’ve already met with him for a few times. He’s very fun to talk with, not to mention entertaining. He’s a very interesting person.” Tomoyo explains. They talk as they walk toward Tackey and Yoko.

“I’ll say. You never talk about anyone like this. But I just want to remind you, please don’t get involve with their kin. You know our law.” Tatsuya says with pointed looks. Tomoyo just sighs. “I know, I know. But I can’t help it but to be attracted to him.”

“Hey guys.” Tomoyo greets both Tackey and Yoko when Tomoyo and Tatsuya arrive at the bar. “Hi, Tomoyo.” Tackey greets back and Yoko just nods. “Where’s Ryo? I thought the three of you always come together.” Tomoyo asks.

“Oh he’s a bit late today. But he will come later. Who’s your friend?” Yoko asks Tomoyo. “Oh yes, Tackey, Yoko, this is my best friend, Tatsuya. Tatsuya, this is Tackey and Yoko.” Tomoyo introduces them. Tatsuya takes turn on shaking their hand. First Tackey and then Yoko but he held Tackey hand a bit longer as to sense if he can trust the guy or not. When he found that there’s nothing wrong with the guy, he smile at Tackey. Then they chat for a while, talking about random things.

“Tomoyo, I’m going to the restroom, “Tatsuya whispers into Tomoyo’s ear since the music is quite loud. Tomoyo just nods as a signal she hears him. Then, Tatsuya makes his way to the men restroom.


Tatsuya is washing his hands when he hears someone else come into the restroom. Thinking that it is some customer of the club, he proceeds in finishing his task. Suddenly a hand grabs him from behind.

“So, pretty boy decides to come here again? It seems that a lesson that we gave you a few weeks ago is not enough, is it?”Tatsuya only rolled his eyes when he recognizes the voice. Oh. It’s The Jerk, Tatsuya thinks. And apparently he’s alone; maybe I can scare him a bit.

Unexpectedly, the Jerk suddenly at the mercy of Tatsuya. His back is at the wall while he is trap between the wall and Tatsuya. And what he sees scared him.

“Not so tough now, huh? Where’s your merry band of idiots? Without them you really are nothing, aren’t you?” Tatsuya says, his eyes turn darker and he’s showing his fangs.

“Who are you? What are you?” The Jerk trembled in fear. Tatsuya smirks, making The Jerk more afraid of him.

“Me? I’m your worst nightmare.” Tatsuya says, smirking. “Please, have mercy. I’m sorry. I promise I won’t disturb you again. I’ll stay out of your way from now on. Please, don’t kill me.” The Jerk begs.

“Why should I? You didn’t even show any mercy when you beat me up.” Tatsuya snarls at The Jerk. “Please, let me go. I’m sorry. I promise I won’t ever show my face in front of you again. Please!!”

“Fine, I will let you go. But tell anyone about this, and I will make sure you will never live to see the day light ever again.” Tatsuya warns him. The Jerk could only nods. When Tatsuya releases him, he quickly scrambles out of the restroom almost knocking the next person who was coming in.

“What the hell is wrong with that guy? Is he sick or something?”  Tatsuya looks at the owner of the voice because it sounds very familiar to his ears.  His eyes widen when he recognized the man.

“You’re Tatsuya aren’t you?” The man asks.  Tatsuya just give him a wide smile. “Nice to see you again, Nishikido Ryo.” Tatsuya greets.

“Please, just call me Ryo. All of my friends do.” Ryo says calmly, but in the inside he is actually very excited.

“All right. Well, I’ve already finish my business in here. I’m going out first.” Tatsuya says as he walks past Ryo. Ryo could only looks at the back of Tatsuya with a disappointment.


Tatsuya walk past the crowd to where Tomoyo is. Tomoyo is still talking to Tackey, while Yoko already on the dance floor. When Tatsuya plops down beside Tomoyo, she just raises her eyebrow. Tatsuya waves his hand saying that nothing has happen. Although there’s a doubt in Tomoyo’s eyes, but she let it go.

“Oh, Tatsuya I almost forgot, I want you to meet Tackey’s other friend, Ryo. He arrived when you were in the restroom. Ah, there he is.” Tomoyo says, pointing at Ryo who on his way towards them.

“Well, it really is a small world after all.” Tatsuya murmurs to himself. When Ryo arrives, Tomoyo quickly tries to introduce them only to be waves of by Tatsuya.

“There’s no need for introduction Tomo, we’ve already meet.” Tatsuya states. “Really, when?” Tomoyo asks.

“Remember what happen to me few weeks ago?” Tomoyo nods at the question. “Ryo was the one who saved me.”  Tatsuya continues.

“Oh, he’s the nice man you’d told me about.” At Tatsuya nods, Tomoyo turns to Ryo and then bow in gratitude. “Thank you for saving Tatsuya.” She says. Ryo is already blushing when he receives the gratitude act from Tomoyo. Somehow, he feels like he’d save a damsel in distress and being appreciated by the damsel’s parent. Does that sound weird? It sure does to Ryo.

“And to show our gratitude towards your unselfish act, please join us for dinner tomorrow night. We are going to the new French Restaurant downtown, and we would love if you could join us.” Tomoyo says, inviting Ryo. Tatsuya just looks incredulously at Tomoyo while Ryo is in shock at the offer. But of course, in his mind he is actually doing the victory dancing.

“Yes, I would love to join both of you tomorrow night.” Ryo says as calmly as possible. Tomoyo just smile while Tatsuya is planning ways to kill Tomoyo in his head.

“Well, it settles then. Come Tackey, let’s dance. You two should dance too. We come here to have fun, Tat-chan.” Tomoyo reminds him. Tatsuya just glares at his best friend.  He feels bad about the dinner plan that Tomoyo has for tomorrow night.

To be continued…

fanfic : ryoda, moonlight destiny the series

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