Moonlight Destiny : Chapter Three

Aug 08, 2008 23:52

True to what Tatsuya is thinking, back at Tatsuya’s private mansion, Kazuya is actually pacing and ranting about their carelessness.

“This is our entire fault. We’re supposed to protect him, keep our eyes on him. But no, we lost him and now who know where he is? What if he’s injured? What if the hunters finally caught him? Argh, what are we going to do? I’m going to find him.” Kazuya says, pacing franticly. Before he walks out of the door, Tomohisa stops him.

“Could you please calm down, Kazu? I’m sure Tat-chan is fine. Beside if he’s hurt or something, we will know remember? We do have a special link with him.” Tomohisa says to his lover. That helps to calm Kazuya a little. Tomoyo just rolls her eyes at Kazuya’s antic. Kazuya always panic at all the small things but it’s his caring attitude that makes him so loveable.

Suddenly they hear the door being open. Then, Tatsuya walk through the door. All three of them let out a relief sigh. Kazuya immediately go to Tatsuya to inspect him.

“Tat-chan, where did you go? Is everything ok? What happened to you? Did the hunters caught you?” Tatsuya is being bombard with questions from Kazuya.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I’m ok. Nothing happens to me. I just ran into trouble yesterday, but everything is fine. And no, there were no hunters yesterday.” Tatsuya answers. Tomoyo narrows her eyes dangerously, there’s something that amiss in Tatsuya tone. And she also can see a mark at Tatsuya’s neck although it seems to be healing at a fast rate.

You’re not telling us everything Tat-chan, Tomoyo sends a telepathy message to Tatsuya.  Tatsuya just sighs; knowing that he can’t escape the lectures he will soon receives from Tomoyo.  Tomoyo is an observer; he should’ve known since he’s always the one who receive it, well apart from Tomohisa, that is.

I’ll tell you later, I promise. But could you please don’t tell Kazu and Pi. I don’t want them to know yet, Tatsuya sends back to Tomoyo. Tomoyo just nod slightly, unnoticed to both Tomohisa and Kazuya who still fussing over Tatsuya.

“Well guys, since we know now that Tatsuya is fine, why don’t we get on with what have we plan for today. As I remember, the two of you need to be at someplace, right?” Tomoyo says, addressing Tomohisa and Kazuya. Both of them nod in agreement.

“Then, why don’t you two go. I’m sure everything’s fine now, right Tat-chan?” Tatsuya just nod. “And I’m sure Tat-chan will be here when you guys get back. Beside Tat-chan has an appointment with me in the fighting room.” Tomoyo continue when Kazuya reluctant to leave. Tatsuya groans out loud when he hears about the appointment while both Tomohisa and Kazuya just laugh. They all quite aware by the mention of the appointment mean that the sword fencing will be taking places in the fight room. While Tatsuya is not bad in sword fencing, well he is actually a master in sword fencing, but Tomoyo is better than him in that department. Not to mention that sword fencing is actually one of Tomoyo’s passions.

“Well then, I guess that means Kazu and I can leave now. Have fun, guys.” Tomohisa says. “Wait guys, don’t leave me with her. I don’t want to fence alone with her.” Tatsuya says, half pleading, half whining. “Sorry Tat-chan, you are on your own this time. Beside it’s your own fault for not telling us where you had gone to. And I really don’t want to fence either; I have enough fencing to last me for the next decade, no offence sis.” Tomohisa says with laughter.

“Not at all, dear brother. Now, come on Tat-chan, we must be going. Don’t let my darlings wait for us any longer.” Tomoyo says, dragging Tatsuya out of the room. The ‘darlings’ that Tomoyo mention are actually Tatsuya’s swords collection that he have been collecting and keeping in his fighting room.

“Tomo, I can walk. You don’t have to keep on dragging me, “is the last thing that Tomohisa and Kazuya hear before they’re bursting into laughter again. Oh, Tat-chan sure gonna get it now, they think, and not to mention the lectures that soon to follow.


Ryo could only stares dumbfound at his now closed door. What does it mean by that, Ryo thinks, and why would it bring me trouble if we meet again? Is he in a gang or something? Well, I wouldn’t be surprise if that’s the case. Looking at the way he fought last night, even I know that he’s an expert in fighting. If he didn’t get distracted because he got beaten at his back by that baseball bat, he could even win the fight.


Ryo follows Yoko into the club, without having to line up like other people. It really is beneficial, knowing people in the high place and to Ryo and Yoko, knowing the owner of the club personally give them an upper hand.

Once in the club, they saw their colleague and sempai, Takizawa Hideaki or Tackey is already there. They push through the crowd of people to where Tackey is. When they reach the bar, they immediately order their drinks. Ryo and Tackey is talking about works and well, random things while Yoko let his eyes survey the people in the club, looking and watching if there are girls that catch his eyes. Suddenly he gasps. Tackey and Ryo immediately stop talking when they hears Yoko’s gasp. Follow to where Yoko is looking, what they saw also making them gasps. There on the dancing floor, two beautiful people are dancing intimately. A beautiful girl with an equally gorgeous boy. Both of them are dancing sexily with their hip rolls and body swinging.

“Wow!” Ryo hears Yoko says. “That girl is so gorgeous.” Tackey continue.  Ryo admits that that girl is indeed beautiful but somehow his eyes are train on the guy that dances with the girl. He felt drawn to him. Like there are some unknown forces that connect him with that guy. Not to mention that the guy is beautiful too.

“It’s too bad, ne, the girl is already taken.” Tackey tells Yoko. Yoko just nods, with a defeat looks on his face.  Then that’s mean that guy is also unavailable, Ryo felt his heart clenches at that thought. Suddenly there’s a bit commotion surround the two dancer when a guy tries to cut in.

“I don’t know if that guy is blind or stupid, can’t he see that those two are an item? Why is he even trying when the girl is clearly not interested in him?” Tackey asks Yoko. Yoko just shrugs. Ryo keep on watching the scene.  Then he saw the couple walk away from the dance floor to the VIP lodge. The stupid man, as he calls him in his head, is fumes with anger when the couple chooses to ignore him and left the dance floor. Somehow he felt that the stupid man will bring trouble to the couple.

“You seem to be quite taken with the girl, Tackey.” Ryo says to Tackey. Tackey just frown. “Careful, she’s already taken. You don’t want to get hurt later,” Yoko add playfully. Tackey just punch lightly on Yoko’s shoulder. “I know that, ok. And I’m not stupid enough to try and play with fire. It just there’s something about that girl that is so alluring, but I’m not going to do anything about it. I know how much it hurt when someone you love get snatch away from you.” His voice’s trails off. Both Ryo and Yoko feel a bit guilty when they see the sad look on Tackey’s face.

Before they could comfort him the girl that has been the topic of their discussion shows up in front of them. Giving them an award winning smile, the girl then turns to Tackey. “Hey, do you want to dance?” she asks. Yoko and Ryo jaws drop as she asks the question while Tackey seem to lose the ability to talk. After a few minutes, there is still no answer from Tackey. The girl just smile in amusement before asking again. “Well, do you want to dance with me? If you’re not interested, that’s fine you know. I’m not going to be mad.” She says but there’s still no respond from Tackey. “Well then, I take it as a no. Then, I guess I take my leave now.” Just when she’s about to turn around, Tackey grab her hand. “No, wait. I’ll love to dance with you. I’m sorry I hadn’t responded. I’m just surprise.” The girl just smile. “That’s ok. By the way, my name is Tomoyo.” She says. “I’m Takizawa Hideaki, but you can call me Tackey. This is my friends, Yoko and Ryo.” Tackey gesturing to Yoko and Ryo, introducing them. Tomoyo just smiles brightly at Yoko and Ryo.

“Wait, won’t your boyfriend be mad, if you’re dancing with me?” Tackey asks, unsure with the situation. “Boyfriend? What boyfriend? I don’t have any boyfriend.” Tomoyo says, puzzled with Tackey question. “But the guy you were dancing with just now, weren’t he’s your boyfriend?” Tackey questions. Tomoyo just laugh. “No, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my best friend that sometimes acts like my older brother.” Tomoyo explains. “Are you sure? I mean, you two seem so close.” Yoko turns to asks. “Yes, I’m very sure. We grew up together, that’s why we’re very close. Now, come on. Let’s dance.” Tomoyo clarify and soon Tackey was dragged to the dance floor by Tomoyo.

“Well, she’s definitely not like what I’d pictured her to be. She’s very..Hmm..What’s that word?” Yoko puts his finger under his chin, as an act of thinking. “Impulse.” Ryo supplies. “Yes, she’s very impulses.  But I hope she can mend Tackey’s broken heart. It’s been two years since Tsubasa’s death but he still hadn’t managed to forget Tsubasa. This is the first time I see he’s show an interest towards others.” Yoko states. Ryo nods in agreement. Just then, he looks up to see Tomoyo’s best friend but cannot find him. Apparently, while both of them are talking, the beautiful man has already left the VIP lodge. Feeling slightly disappointed, Ryo tells Yoko that he wants to go home.

As he walks past the dark alley behind the club, he hears people fights. At first he chooses to ignore it but curiosity gets the better of him and makes him turn around to look what exactly happens there. Imagine his surprise when he sees the gorgeous man, Tomoyo’s best friend is fighting like an expert fighter against 30 plus people that surround him. Then he watch as the stupid man hit him with a baseball bat. Eh, that’s so cheap. Not only he’s stupid but to attack a lone man with a group of people is a coward act. Man, he really is a coward and stupid. Definitely a loser, Ryo reflects.

The fight suddenly changes its course. From winning, the beautiful man seems to be losing. Getting hit with the baseball bat really takes a toll on him. I must do something, Ryo panicking inside. Suddenly an idea comes to him. He starts to yell about police is coming. That group of people immediately begins to disperse, leaving the beaten man. When none of those people are coming back, Ryo instantly take the man to his home.

End of flashback

But I really want to meet you again. There’s something about you that make me feel  drawn to you, Ryo thinks with a sigh.


Meanwhile, both Tatsuya and Tomoyo are sweating. They have been fencing for an hour.

What exactly happen, Tatsuya? Why are you hurt? Tomoyo asks using telepathy.

I’m not hurt. As I told you guys before, I just run into a trouble. But everything is ok now. Tatsuya reply.

Stop lying. In case you have forgotten, we all have a link with you and mine is the strongest because of my empathy. I can feel it last night, you were hurt but since Pi and Kazuya didn’t feel anything I thought you can handle it. But then you didn’t come home at all. I’m worried you know. You’re lucky I didn’t tell Kazu that I sense you’re hurt. If not, who knows what he will do. Tomoyo says. Then Tomoyo start attacking Tatsuya again. Clang! Tatsuya blocking the attack with his sword.

Fine, I was attack last night. Remember the jerk that tried to hit on you, it turn out that he’s in a gang. And he brought his gang to beat me up. At first I managed to take out quite a number of his people but when he hit me with the baseball bat I was startled, and they managed to get an upper hand. At the end they managed to knock me up. Thankfully there’s this one nice guy help me up. Tatsuya explains but soon enough he regrets telling Tomoyo, because Tomoyo looks like she’s ready to kill someone already. Her usually warm brown eyes have turn into black, power starts emitting out of her.

Tomo, calm down! There’s nothing to be mad at. If you keep on like this, Pi will sense you and starts asking questions. I don’t want them to know yet. Tatsuya sent, trying to calm his best friend. Tomoyo instantly tries to calm herself down.

You should call us, you know. After all we’re your protector. If you don’t want to disturb them, at least call me. I’m your best friend, I’m your protector, and I’ve taken the vow to keep you safe. And I intend to keep it. Tomoyo says with her eyes still on fire.

I’m sorry ok, I wasn’t thinking. I thought I can handle it. Obviously, I can’t. I promise I won’t do that again. Tatsuya says with resignation.

You better be. Tomoyo replies. After that they’re continued their fencing without conversing.

“My prince, here you are? We’ve been wondering where you have went to.” The Quartz clan’s leader, Duke Higurashi says, interrupting their friendly fencing. Both of them stop their fencing and look at the door where the Duke is standing with his daughter by his side.

“I didn’t go anywhere. I was fencing with Tomoyo, as you can see it yourself.” Tatsuya says, indicating the fact that he’s never went anywhere else.

“Of course, my prince. Oh yes, let me introduce you to my youngest daughter, Marina. Marina, this is our prince, Prince Tatsuya and his protector, Lady Tomoyo.” Marina did the courtesy while Tatsuya and Tomoyo just nod.

“I’ll better go. I need to change my cloth anyway for the royal dinner tonight. I’ll see you tonight, my prince.” Tomoyo says, and with a nod she walks out of the room. When she walks past by Marina, she swiftly gets a bad vibes from her. Her sense points out that Marina could be a threat. Before she’s out completely from the room, Tomoyo send a telepathy message to Tatsuya.

Tat-chan, be careful with that girl. I don’t trust her. And you know my instinct never wrong before. Tomoyo exclaims. Ok, thanks for the head up, is the answer from Tatsuya.

“So, what can I do for you, Duke Higurashi?” Tatsuya asks and that is the last thing that Tomoyo hears.

To be continued…..

fanfic : ryoda, moonlight destiny the series

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