Fated [Part 1 of 2]

Jul 13, 2008 15:43

Author’s Note: This is my first time writing a pikame fic. Hope its turn out ok.

Yamashita Tomohisa or Yamapi as we all know him is in peaceful slumber. It’s been a while since he had a good night sleep because he’s been busy these past few days. He certainly has a nice dream because he is smiling in his sleep but unfortunately his dream is about to be disturbed by….

“Tomo-chan, Tomo-chan..Wakie..Wakie.. It’s time to wake up.”  The voice yells with a cheerful tone in front of Yamapi’s face. Yamapi immediately pulls his pillow to cover his face.

“Tomo-chan, come on, wake up. You promised Jin Jin you want to go out with him, remember.” The voice whines when Yamapi gives no respond. Lifting the pillow, he opens one eye. Staring back at him with big brown eyes full of life and mischiefness is a girl with a shoulder length hair, a fair skin and cute dimple at both her cheek. “Wake up Tomo-chan. If not, you’re going to be late.” The girl urges Yamapi. Yamapi just rolls his eyes. “Let me sleep some more Tenshi. I’m tired and sleepy. I’m sure Jin can wait.” Yamapi says, trying to go back to his sleep. But the girl refuses to let him be and take away his blanket and pillow. “No, I won’t let you get back to sleep. Poor Jin Jin always has to wait for you. Now, for once why don’t you make it on time.”

“But Jin always makes me wait for him too.”Yamapi complains. The girl, Tenshi, just looks at Yamapi with a stubborn look, as if not going to let Yamapi have it his way. Sighing, Yamapi gets up from his bed. “Fine, fine, I’m going..i’m going.” Yamapi says, grumbling to himself. “You are supposed to be my guardian angel but sometimes it seems that you love my friends more than me. Some guardian angel you are.” Yamapi keeps on complaining as he makes his way to the bathroom.

Yup ladies and gentlemen, you read it right. That girl is actually Yamapi’s guardian angel. That is the secret that Yamapi haven’t told anyone including his best friends. She has been with him since he was two years old. Tenshi smiles brightly at Yamapi’s retreating back.

And hour later, Yamapi is ready to face the world. A glance at the clock on the wall in his room, he realizes he is already late for his meeting with Jin. “Aaah, I’m late. Jin’s going to be mad at me.”  Yamapi says, rushing towards the door. Tenshi just rolls her eyes, already accustom with Yamapi’s habit. “And he told me to let him sleep a bit longer. If I let him, I’m sure Jin Jin will be barging in here to scold him because he’s late. And he said I love his friends more. What should I ever do with you, Tomo-chan?” Tenshi says, shooking her head.

Half an hour later Yamapi arrives at the café where he and Jin promised to meet. He begins to look around for any sign of Jin but couldn’t find him. Instead he sees someone else.

“Eh, isn’t that Kazu-chan. Let’s go and greet him, Tomo-chan.” Tenshi says, skipping excitedly beside Yamapi. Yamapi just rolls his eyes seeing Tenshi. One thing he doesn’t understand about Tenshi is why Tenshi is so affectionate towards Kamenashi Kazuya. Tenshi always bubbly and loves seeing Kame. Not only that, she even gave a nickname to Kame. She had been calling Kame, Kazu-chan since the first time they saw Kame. Yamapi realized at that time he’s a bit judgmental and being quite unfair towards Kame. The first time Yamapi met Kame, he didn’t like Kame very much because Kame is just a plain looking boy and seems to be holding no interest in joining the Jimusho. Then, the fact that his guardian angel has taken a liking towards Kame also contributed to his disliking the boy. He admits, he’s being childish at that time, but who can blame him, really after all everyone will be jealous if suddenly YOUR supposed to be guardian angel likes the person you don’t like and even give a nickname to that person. And to make things worse, both Yamapi and Kame had a bit of misunderstanding with each other that make them not spoken to each other even though they both share the same friend, Akanishi Jin. Yamapi still remember being scolded by Tenshi because of the fight. Not to mention, Tenshi absolutely refused to talk to him for a week. But things between him and Kame have been settled now. He really likes Kame now. Who would have thought that Kame actually an easy-going and a nice guy once you really get to know him. Not to mention, his complete transformation from the plain boy to one of the most beautiful guy in Jimusho.

Yamapi is now walking towards Kame with Tenshi trailing behind him. Well, not exactly trailing, more like floating actually. Suddenly Kame looks up from the magazine he is reading. Seeing Yamapi, Kame smiles brightly at him. Time seems to stop for Yamapi when Kame smiles like that to him. He doesn’t know why but his heart is beating crazily as he looks at that smile.

“Pi, you’re here. Come and sit. Jin’s inside buying some latte.” Kame says, mentioning Yamapi to sit beside him. Pulling the chair out, Yamapi then sit by Kame’s side.

“I thought it’s just me and Jin. Didn’t you have a drama shooting today?” Yamapi looks inquiringly at Kame. “The shooting is cancel. Something came up. Actually I just want to laze around in my house, catching up with my sleep but then Jin showed up and dragged me here. I don’t even know how he knew the filming was canceled. “Kame explains. Yamapi just chuckles when he hears what Jin did.

“Pi, you’re already arrives. Well, you’re late.” Jin says with a scolding tone when he arrives at the table with latte in both his hands.  “I told you so.” Tenshi whispers at Yamapi’s ear. Yamapi glares slightly at Tenshi before turning to face Jin. Putting on his best puppy dog eyes, he says “I’m sorry Jin. It’s just that last night is the best sleep I’ve ever had in a long while. I was really tired that I overslept this morning. I’m sorry I’m late, Jin.” Jin just sighs at Yamapi’s sad look. He knows that Yamapi doesn’t sleep quite well these few days and feel a bit guilty for making Yamapi going out with him instead of resting at home.

“It’s ok; I’m pretty used to it.” Jin says, sitting down beside Kame before handing him his latte. “So, where are we going today?” Yamapi asks Jin, looking longingly at the latte since he hadn’t had his morning coffee yet. Seeing the look on Yamapi’s face, Kame passes his latte to Yamapi. Yamapi takes the latte with delight. “Thank you Kame, you’re a life saver.” Yamapi says while drinking the latte thirstily.

“Well, I want to do some shopping. I need new clothes by the way. But before that I want to stop by at the Jimusho first. I forgot to bring my schedule with me last night.” Jin says. After drinking some more and eating their breakfast, the three of them went to the Jimusho.


“Yo fishlip, has you fall down anywhere today? Did you embarrass yourself lately?” That is the first thing that Yamapi hears as soon as he walks into the KAT TUN’s dress room, follows by Tenshi behind him. Ueda just glares at Ryo. “Why midget, I don’t know you care about me that you just have to know what happen to me,” encounter Ueda, smirking at Ryo. From then on, they started to argue with each other.

“Mou, Ryo is so mean. Does he have to talk like that to Tat-chan?” Tenshi says pouting as he looks at both Ryo and Ueda. “You know I think Ryo-chan should really just tell Tat-chan about what he really feels. I mean it’s obviously that Tat-chan is in love with him too.”  Tenshi continues. Yamapi just looks in disbelief at both Ryo and Ueda. “Are you really sure they’re in love with each other? I mean they don’t even look like they like each other.” Yamapi asks Tenshi quietly, although still in disbelief.

“Of course I’m sure. Look at them closely, Tomo-chan. Look really close. You will see how Tat-chan eyes sparkles even though he is arguing with Ryo-chan. And with Ryo-chan, look at the corner of his mouth. He is actually smiling. Although you really need to look deep into their eyes and through their act to see it. If other people look at them, they will think that they are arguing with each other, but I think they’re just flirting. I think that is how they show their affection towards each other. But I’m kinda worry.” Tenshi’s voice changes from affectionate to worried tone. “Why?” Yamapi asks, looking slightly at Tenshi.

“Tat-chan has a fragile heart. He is caring and sensitive and also he is easily hurt. Even though he knows that Ryo-chan means no harm, that their bantering is just a flirting but it doesn’t mean that those words does not hurt. If Ryo-chan does not do something, or if he does not assures Tat-chan that that is just a friendly bantering, that in fact he actually loves Tat-chan, I’m afraid that maybe one day Tat-chan will try to find someone else. Someone who can love him and does not hurt him like Ryo did. And at that time, it might be too late for Ryo-chan even if he confesses to Tat-chan because the hurt already cut too deeply in his heart.” Tenshi explains. Yamapi looks at Ueda and Ryo in horror as he hears Tenshi’s explanations.

“Then, we must do something. We can’t let them be miserable, they’re both my friends. We have to help them.” Yamapi says, unaware that someone has already standing behind him.

“We have to help who, Pi?” Kame asks. Yamapi looks a bit startled when he hears Kame’s voice. “Kame, you startled me. It’s nothing, I’m just talking to myself.” Yamapi says nervously.

“Well, I kinda figure it out since there is no one with you. But I really want to know who should we help, Pi. Maybe I can help too.” Kame asks again. Seeing the look of determination on Kame’s face, Yamapi didn’t have the heart to refuse him.

“Actually, I was thinking that I should help Ryo-chan and Tat-chan gets together.”  Yamapi explains. Kame just looks at him incredulously. “Why should we do that? They don’t seem to like each other much.” Kame says, gesturing to the arguing pair.

“Well my dear Kame-chan, if you look at them closely, you can see it in their eyes that they adore each other.” Yamapi says smugly at Kame.  Hearing what Yamapi had said, Kame looks again at Ueda and Ryo. When he takes a really good look at them, he realizes what Pi said is true.

“You’re right Pi. Why didn’t we see it earlier?”Kame asks, more to himself then to Yamapi. “I didn’t see it either. I just realized it a few moments ago, before you came. And you have to remember that both of them are good at acting, so maybe that is why we can’t see it unless we really look closely. Besides, you need to take into consideration that this fight has been going on since we’re still junior. We already accustomed with them fighting that we overlooked this feeling that they have for each other.” Yamapi says. Kame nods, agreeing with Yamapi.

“Yeah, and knowing Tat-chan, he might takes what Nishikido said to heart.” Kame says. “That is why we need to help them to be together. I don’t want them to end up miserable. Because Ryo might takes things too far and Tat-chan may end up hurting really bad.” Yamapi interjects.

“I agree with you but what should we do?” Kame asks.

“Well, I think we need to plan on what to do. Then, we can go from there. And let’s just keep this between the two of us. We don’t want people to know and ruin our plan.”

“You know, Pi. It seems like Nobuta all over again. The different is this time we’re trying to get Tat-chan and Nishikido together instead of producing someone.”

“Yeah, I miss those days when we’re filming Nobuta. It was so much fun, wasn’t it?” Kame just smiles at Yamapi, reminiscing the time when they were shooting the drama.

“Pi, Kame, let’s go. We have some shopping to do.” Jin yells from the lift, ready to leave and shop till they’re drop.

End of Part One.


#two-shot, fanfic : pikame

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