"*^&*&^^**& shark-related programming!"

Aug 05, 2013 12:23

Since it's Shark Week and all, this particular story keeps coming to mind.

We were at home one evening when the phone rang. Dave picked up, and after about 30 seconds it became apparent that it was someone conducting a survey for an unnamed cable network, which, being in a chatty mood, he was perfectly happy to cooperate with. Which network it was quickly became apparent, since the person first started asking questions about nature programming, then got very, very specific in asking whether he, and then we, had any interest in or ever watched "shark-related programming."

At the beginning of this survey, he was pretty neutral about said shark-related programming - we would occasionally watch Shark Week things that looked interesting, but were by no means MUST WATCH ALL SHARK THINGS viewers. This survey was particularly detailed, however, and wanted us to rank shark-related programming against other forms of nature programming, other general entertainment programming, sharks vs. aliens, sharks vs. zombies, sharks vs. Fonzie, sharks vs. anything you could possibly come up with. The survey just kept going on, and on, and on, to the point where the survey person started apologizing for the length.

As was his wont, Dave started getting a tad ranty (but politely and humorously, since it wasn't the survey person's fault) by the end of the ordeal, and as a result vowed to never, ever again watch any *^&*&^^**& shark-related programming. And, every year when the Shark Week promos came on, I was guaranteed to hear a blast of profanity the likes of which would kill unprotected vegetation.

"*^&*&^^**& shark-related programming!"

dave posterity

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