Jan 30, 2007 01:27
Saturday while we were preparing for our show I overheard some gentlemen discussing movies. As I am wont to do, and seeing as their subject matter also automatically hooks me, I eavesdropped. I heard one of them say "Children of Men blew me away."
"Well," I said to myself, "that is a notable comment but seeing as I consider myself better than everyone, I will most likely find it 'good' or 'awesome'. I will find out more about this movie."
Two entire days go by and I uncerimoniously and predictably forgot about the movie. Monday evening, however, I found myself wanting to see something. I do a search-o to see what's playing when, and lo, 'Children of Men' is playing at a time I can attend. I find out it is a future movie and the deal is sealed. Off I went. I saw it and am now going to tell you what I, who is better than everyone, thought of it:
Children of Men blew me away.