You Made This Come True.

Mar 24, 2011 23:26

I can't stop listening to The Rocket Summer. I remembered why I liked them so much. They're so positive- they make me want to do something sweet... no... they make me want to BE someone sweet. I could use that in my life for sure, because lately I've been feeling pretty lame. I don't know if it's because my husband has been gone for 5 almost 6 days... or maybe it's  because my life is so ::logical:: now. And I HATE logical. It's so not me-- but I work at a bank (logic X 100) and I'm in the middle of graduate school (X to creativity). I feel so stifled and stiff. Like a giant 2 x 4. Wooden and unmovable. Plain and unfinished. Unbendable and stuck.

... meh.

ON THE PLUS SIDE, Wal-Mart emailed Damm about the job. I know Wal-Mart sounds lame, but it's over TWICE the salary he makes now and we could really use the money (who couldn't use more, ya know?!). Praying for that.


This LJ is scattered. I had too much Mt. Dew and I'm trying too hard to stay up until my husband comes home... of course I don't know when that will be because he sugggs at texting. Which is cute, truthfully.

I'm really, REALLLLLY excited for him to come home. Being away from him, even if it is less than a week, is always a reminder of how much I love him and love being with him and when he comes home I feel kinda like our dog does... I just wanna jump on him and lick him. :))

Wow. Super inappropriate. In other news... I've lately had this horrible feeling that I shouldn't be in grad school. That I think it's what I want to do, but that I'm going to end up with a Masters and still working as a teller, or being a missionary, or just a mom... or SOMETHING where you don't need a Masters. It's my gut feeling and it's starting to freak me out... especially since I am like the queen of gut feelings. I'm rarely wrong. Really.

Oh. So my dad moved back to Mishawka from Elkhart. So that's kind of cool that he's just 5 minutes away (maybe less if I speed in my sweet new car!). But he lives in a "not great side of town," (if there's such a thing in Mishy) and his upstairs apartment in this big old house is less than stellar.... oh and it's owned by his "girlfriend." Damn. Is this my family? So weird. He says he's going to start a church in downtown South Bend. He quit his job to do this and like I said before, is now living in the upstairs of a class-act. I'm skeptical. It's bad of me. It's so conflicting for me... the human side of me thinks this was a dumb risk, especially when it comes to money and lifestyle, but the the Christian side of me thinks it's really neat that he's willing to take a risk for Christ...

My mom got re-married like a few months ago or something. Her husband, Doug seems really great... and NORMAL (thank, God!). She seems really happy. Oh! And she quit her job too (see the trend?). She wants to focus on writing and she has a blog that is really great (you should click there.). And her newest thing is trying to find a way to make money being a life coach. That's actually kinda cool, in my opinion.

So yeah, life is different for sure... I can't believe how much things have changed in my life, specifically in my family arena. But it "is what it is" (man, I always HATE when people say that!), so you swallow it and move on (that's what she said!).

Guess I'll just jam to some more Rocket Summer and wait for Seth Thomas to send me a preview of my songs! :))
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