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Subscribe to our Google Calendar
Use your favourite iCal service to subscribe to our Events and Deadlines calendar. Most email clients support iCal.
Use our iCal URL to add our calendar to your email: how to add an iCal calendar via Google/Gmail If you have an LJ account
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Track the "mod post" tags on this comm to receive an email whenever an announcement is posted
Go to a mod post >> select Track from the toolbar above the post >> select someone posts an entry tagged "mod post" >> check Email
If you don't have an LJ account
Follow the comm using its RSS or Atom feeds
You can also sign into LJ with an OpenID, which you can also use to post to the comm during the fic + art posting period in January. You may already have an OpenID if you have accounts with providers such as Google, Flickr, wordpress, and more.
Get more information about OpenID.
For the more technically inclined,
convert your tumblr handle into an OpenID.
Read about
more ways to access LJ without an account.
Lastly please note that the bang timeline is available at all times on our
profile page.