Writer Check-In #1

Aug 25, 2013 17:49

This writer's check-in is just a way for participants to keep the mods and their fellow participants informed of where they are in their fic, difficulties, epiphanies, etc.

Please do not email the mods. Comment on this post with:

Subject: your handle (the name you signed up with)
Message: the code below pasted into your subject body

Handle: (the username that you signed up with):
Current number of words:
What's working:(e.g. I've worked out the plot, I've reached 8000 words)
What isn't working:(e.g. I have writer's block, I'm changing my story)
Foreseeable challenges: (e.g. work/vacation/unexpected events are consuming my time)
Anything else you would like to tell us:

All writers should check-in by September 8th.

Please let the mods know immediately if you need to drop out. Don't wait till the rough draft or artist sign-up deadline.

writers check-in, mod post

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