Dec 01, 2017 16:59
I didn't finish NaNoWriMo this year. I got like 15K words in, and life got busy, but mostly I got tired. Awake enough to do things that don't require me to think but too tired to think about what to write. Also, I'm at a pretty emotional part of my book, and it's kinda hard to write, so there's that, too.
We hosted family here for Thanksgiving, and that was a lot of fun! My sister's family came, and my brother's family came to surprise her. We had so much fun, and we made so much food, and it was all delicious! I wished that my stomach had been bigger to eat it all.
I've had old LJ entries showing up in my facebook memories, and it made me miss writing in here, but I also feel like I'm super boring now, so I don't have anything to write. I also get embarrassed sometimes when I see what I wrote. haha I was an open book, and I think that I'm not anymore, so that makes it harder to write.
I just cleaned up some pee off the carpet. I forgot to tell Owen that I locked the hall bathroom door because the toilet is stopped up. I tried to unstop it, but I'm thinking there might be a toy in there. I was babysitting today, and I realized that the little boy was being extra quiet. I went to find him, and he was in the bathroom butt naked, and his shirt sleeves were all wet. I'm now starting to think that maybe they were wet from toilet water. haha But the really bad thing is that Owen pooped in that toilet, so now there's poop in there and possibly a toy. Oh, and I peed in it. So that's waiting for Andrew to get home. haha
I borrowed a book from the library called "Parenting the Strong-Willed Child." It's supposed to be a 5 week thing. I'm on week 1. It's not going so well. So I'm supposed to do what they call "Attending." I set aside 10 min play times with Owen, and then I just say what he's doing very enthusiastically. Like, "You're stacking the blocks! You're making the cars go vroom!" Stuff like that. I'm like 2 minutes into the first time, and Owen says, "Why are you saying everything I'm doing?" haha So that didn't take him long to figure out. I guess I'm not very good at it. And it's true. I'm not. The idea is to stop giving directions and asking questions all the time. And I didn't realize how much I did that until I tried this. But anyway, now that Owen has figured it out, he tries to do really weird stuff, so I'll say what he's doing, and he's acting worse. Fun times. But I'm supposed to just ignore when he does things he's not supposed to do (to not give him negative attention), so I just end up sitting there waiting for me to do something I can say. It's not been great. And it's been hard to be motivated when it's not going well. I'll keep trying, though. I have to figure this boy out, or I'm going to go crazy. He can be so sweet at times.
It made me really sad yesterday because I was sitting with him, and I told him not to let anyone ever tell him he's a bad boy because he's not. And he said he was. I told him he wasn't, and he said, "Yes, I am because I do bad things all the time." It made me feel awful. And then 10 minutes later, I had to put him in his room for being destructive. *sigh* I don't want him to grow up thinking he's a bad boy. I hope this book helps.
Blabbity, blabbity, blabbity. Bye.
being a mom,