My kids are devouring a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, and I should make them lunch, but I keep thinking... "eh, Doritos count as lunch, right?"
I'm a good mom.
I just get tired of the daily, "I don't want to eat that," from them, and the "sit down and eat your food" from me. Doritos for lunch, it is.
Life has been so insanely busy lately. We've made soooo many trips out of town lately. I don't even know what normal life is like anymore. We just stay here for about a week before we head off to somewhere else again. I spent 2 1/2 weeks in Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee. Then, I got back only to leave a week later for Arkansas for Andrew's family reunion. And then we spent less than a week at home and our family drove to the beach at South Padre Island for a couple of days.
I'm not complaining about it all b/c I've had so much fun visiting different places and family, but I am ready for normal life to resume. Mainly for my kids to get back to normal. These sleep-deprived monsters are not the sweet children I normally deal with, and I'm going a little nuts over here.
Okay, a lotta nuts.
Andrew got a free photo book from Shutterfly from his coke reward points, so I'm trying to upload pictures to their site. Shockwave keeps crashing, and I'm getting a little annoyed. I decided to try doing
photo books" for each year, so we'll see how this goes. The earliest our digital pictures goes back is to 2007, so that's what I'm working on now. Evan was such a cute baby.
Look at this adorable bundle of goodness.
Lauren is on the toilet pooping with her sunglasses on. She is so cool.
Well, I guess that's all the rambling I can muster for the moment. I'm getting kinda hungry. I did not partake of the doritos madness. Will someone fix me some food? Thanks.