The Time Capsule

Oct 07, 2011 16:57

Tonight is the Homecoming game at my old high school in which many of my old classmates will be reuniting with one another after 10 years. I won't be going, obviously, since I live in Texas. I'm okay with that. For one, I still have this pooch belly from when I was pregnant that I don't really want to show off to my old classmates. I mean, who wants to go back to their reunion fat? But mostly, none of my good friends will be there anyway, so it doesn't really matter. Besides, I told Anna that I all I really wanted from this reunion was for my old crush to come to me and tell me had a crush on me, too, only to tell him, "I'm married, suckah. It's too late." And then I would snap my fingers in a Z pattern and walk away. haha! Isn't that every girl's dream at her reunion? It's not? Then it's not mine, either... *shifty eyes* haha

Anyway, the whole reason I wanted to write today is not to talk about my reunion. It's to write about this book.

This book was given to me by someone that I can't even remember, but I thought it was the best senior gift EVER! It had questions for me to answer and little envelopes for me to put things in, and I did it. I filled that thing out and put what I could in there, and I sealed it up and vowed never to open it until my 10 year reunion. I kept my promise even though I was sorely tempted many times. It has sat quietly in my closet for these 10 years just collecting dust and hiding my 17 year old self's secrets.

Today, I decided I would open it up and see what was inside. I went into my closet and gently took it off the top shelf with slightly trembling hands. Yes, I was slightly nervous about this. I'm not sure why. So many memories and feelings to bring up at once. I've been overly emotional lately anyway, so this was going to add on to that fact. I found myself laughing a lot and I even teared up a little. So let me share with you some of what 17 year old Johanna had to say. I am copying these exactly as I wrote them. Prepare to be amused. :)

Teachers I Disliked the Most: Mrs. Nesbitt
Why I Disliked Them: She was a butthole to me

What I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up: Dentist, actress

What it was like when I started school with my older siblings: They picked on me some. Noble kinda took up for me. Marion embarrassed me a lot, and Joshua was embarrassed of me.

My most embarrassing moment in school: When Eric announced in front of my English class that I said, "That's gotta suck," when we found out this author didn't have sex in her marriage. (I honestly don't even remember this moment. haha!)

My biggest fear when I started high school: being a loser--oh wait, I was!

First time I stood up for myself: 9th grade - Told Jessica M. I didn't want to hear her sex stories

Worse experience at a senior class event: I fell off my car at Casa & got a huge bruise and a black spot on my pants

My favorite teacher's yearbook message to me: I don't think you have a whiney voice - Mrs. Geise (that's what Mrs. Nesbitt told me... )

My advice to new students starting at my high school: Stay away from the rednecks and skanks. (haaahahaha, what great advice!)

How much a stamp costs: 34 cents

How much it costs to go to the movies: $6.75

What my occupation will be in 10 years: Psychologist or a Dentist (HA!)

Who will you be married to? Description or name of a person: Returned missionary, dark hair, he can sing, play an instrument, preferably the guitar, spiritual, funny, fun to be around, worthy to go to the temple, likes the way I laugh, acts goofy (haha! at least Andrew fits the most important characteristics.)

What my spouse's occupation will be: pediatrician (hahhahaha)

My sibling's occupations in 10 years: Amber - homemaker or in college; Amy - homemaker or in college; Noble - something in construction; Marion - owns Pettus; Joshua - something in music (I was SO close!)

What will my best friends be doing in 10 years: Judy will be in Disney World at Animal Kingdom. Eric will be on the local news as a newscaster. Beth will end up getting married and staying home. Whitney will be in the theater. (I was way off on all of these! haha)

What will the popular kids be doing in 10 years: hanging out at 43 Express (the local gas station. haha!)

How my hometown will change: 43 will finally be done along with the Patton Island crap. It will grow bigger. Greenhill will become a town and get a post office AND a stop light! oooooo!!! (43 is a highway, and they're STILL working on that, but Patton Island Bridge is done! Unfortunately, Greenhill does NOT have a stop light, but it DOES have a chiropractor's office! and a Piggly Wiggly! haha)

I found a few other fun gems like a letter a boy wrote to me, but I won't post it b/c it's mushy and embarrassing... for him. haha! I also found a ticket stub from my first date with that boy. In the envelope in which I was supposed to put things that I thought would give a good picture of how I was, I put a Spongebob band-aid, and I'm pretty confused about that. I found a note I wrote to myself that says "Johanna is a dork!" I wrote a letter to myself, which was definitely the best part of this whole adventure, and it made me cry. Not gonna lie. I miss that girl and her spunkiness and her black and white view of the world. Here are a few of my favorite tidbits from it:

"I wish I was already where you are right now, so I wouldn't have to go through all this mess. BUT, alas, I MUST go through with it. It is my destiny."

"Well, I thought I'd also remind you of what a nerdy loser you were. Rembember that awesome Nerd shirt Tray made you? The yellow shoes? The cool band type shoes? Smurf and Rainbow Brite shirts? HARRY POTTER? Kick yourself if you forgot THAT one! Spongebob Squarepants? Desperately wanting to go to a Dave concert? ANY concert for that matter!"

"I don't know if you're married yet. I pray that you are by now. PLEASE be married in 10 years! I'll die! Remember to love him very much. If you're not married, keep your standards high & don't settle! You know what you want! I decided that for you, remember???: If you are married give him a big kiss and hug for me. Act like you're in my shoes again and have never kissed anybody! Don't kiss repeatedly in public. It's GROSS!!"

"If you have kids, tell them you love them every day. Read them stories, let them listen to different types of music, treat them like Momma treated you. Remember Momma. She's the most wonderful person.... Stay with your kids like mom did, okay? If at all possible, be a stay at home mom. Don't forget Daddy, either. He's so smart and full of good advice. Call him right now! Go have dinner with him! I feel so bossy, but I guess it's okay since I'm bossing myself around."

"Always remember that you are a goofy, fun-loving, smart, sweet, kind, nerdy, dorky, tall, lanky, clumsy, pimply-ugly, procrastinatinating, happy, peace-making, childish, goat-smelling awesome daughter of your Heavenly Father. I hope you're exactly what I'm dreaming you'll be." (There's a story behind the pimply-ugly and goat-smelling references. haha)

I also bore my testimony, but I'll leave that to myself. It's kinda personal. :)

I had so much fun reading this book, and I'm so glad I did it, and I'm grateful to whoever it was that gave it to me. It was fun to get to know that young dorky girl b/c sometimes I forget her in all the crazy responsibilities of being a grown-up.

memories, 10 year reunion, time capsule, high school

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