Mar 31, 2010 17:17
I've kinda had baby fever lately. I don't know what is up with me, but I've been thinking about having a baby quite a bit. Maybe it's b/c I held my sweet little niece the other night. Or maybe b/c I thought I was pregnant up until last week when ole faithful showed up, and I was slightly disappointed. Okay, not even slightly. I was flat out disappointed. The things is, logically, I don't want to get pregnant yet b/c 1) I'd like to keep this little two year gap we've started and 2) I want to be able to enjoy Lauren being a baby and 3) I'm trying to lose weight and get my sexy back (if I ever had it to begin with), and that would completely cancel out all the work I've done.
But I still kinda want a baby. I even have a name picked out if it's a boy.
Andrew's going to read this and say, "Well, then, let's get busy!" ha! But I think I'm making the wisest decision of waiting a few more months. Then Lauren will be closer to two and having a little one will be easier. Maybe she'll even be potty trained by then. That would be awesome. Having a newborn and potty training Evan was kinda rough. I'm so glad he's potty trained, though. I get so proud of him when I see other kids his age who aren't yet. He's such a good kid.
Cute Evan story: Yesterday at Wal-Mart, I was in a hurry, so I told him to be fast. He started to get way far ahead of me, and I don't like it when he gets too far away. So after calling him back to me a few times, I gave him this speech about how if he gets too far away, someone could grab him and take him, and then I wouldn't have him anymore, and I would be sad b/c I love him. So after I got everything I needed, I rushed up to the cash registers. Evan was lagging behind, and he said, "Mommy, wait! Don't leave me! Someone could grab you and take you, and I'd be sad." Isn't he the cutest? I told him he was right, and I was sorry. He said, "It's okay." :)
Lauren prefers walking now. She's so stinkin' cute. If I could just get her to stop putting rocks in her mouth when we go outside...
Today is a beautiful day. While the kids were napping, (yes, they nap at the same time) I went on our back patio, sat in my Adirondack chair, and propped my feet up on the picnic table. It was awesome. Except for the stupid flies. Argh. I hate flies. And my dad put tons of chicken poop on top of the hill behind our house, so every once in awhile I'd get a whiff. Lovely.
One day we'll have our own place sans cows and chicken poop. It will be lovely.
The cherry tree behind our house is blooming, and it's so pretty. *sigh* I love the spring.
Andrew fixed our computer! happy day! Oh, windows 7... I missed you.
Okay, well, I guess I better get to cleaning the house again. It got pretty disgusting over the last couple of days b/c of my freakishly busy schedule. I mean, seriously, dee-skus-ting. I just made up that spelling. I'm cool. Or something.
OH! Evan has been saying things in the most southern way possible lately. For example, "mouse" is now "my-ouse." "Square" is now "squay-are." "That" is now "Thay-at." It's driving me nuts. Even though I'm from Alabama, I do not talk like that, and I have no idea where he's picked it up from. I keep correcting him, and it works for a few seconds, and then it's back to redneck speech again. I hope it's just a phase. Please, let it just be a phase. If he continues, we may have to move. haha
Right, well, I'm out.
cleaning house,