I HATE WHITE CLOUD DIAPERS!! She's on her 4th outfit today. It's ridiculous...
On a brighter note, Evan has been going to the potty on his own! It's really great! Except that if he poops, I'm afraid he'll flush and get off the toilet faster than I can get there. And sometimes I don't even realize what he's doing until after I hear the toilet flush. haha And it's kinda funny b/c he takes off his underwear in the living room or wherever he is at the time and then goes to the bathroom. Naked toddler!! And he doesn't know how to put them back on by himself, so if I don't do it, he stays naked.
Aw, I just realized he's sitting next to Lauren on the couch. How sweet! He's a good big brother. He asks me to hold her sometimes. It's so cute.
He's doing really well, though. He pees a little, realizes what's happened, stops, and runs to the bathroom. And he hasn't pooped his underwear at all! Now, if we put a pull-up on him, it's a different story. Those things are horrible for potty training... he just thinks they're a diaper and pees/poops in them. But I'm afraid to take him in public in regular underwear just yet. He forgets about pottying in other places, I've noticed.
Well, enough about poop/pee. I finished the first harry potter book today. that was fun. I've been watching
Potter Puppet Pals today. It's been cracking me up. I especially love wizard swears. Dumbledore's Nipple!! hahaha yeah, i most definitely miss being a harry potter nerd.
My friend Judy is coming to my house for dinner tonight. It's been a long time since I've seen her. Last time, I think, was last summer. I was starting to give up on all my old friends.
I just had to go save Lauren from Evan. He was trying to hold her, and she was just not digging it.
The cat that Evan likes has been sticking around. I've decided it's name is Horace. After I decided that, I checked, and I'm pretty sure it's a girl... which gives new meaning to that name. But, yeah, Horace. I've been sneaking it food even though Andrew's told me not to. I love being defiant sometimes. muahahaha It seems like a very friendly cat, and I've only been giving it scraps... I'm hoping that it will catch some mice. :D
Well, I need to start getting ready. later, dawgs.