I have the Charlie and Lola theme song in my head

Mar 24, 2009 15:01

ya know, I never had a baby swing with Evan, but ever since Cheryl (my step-mom) has let me borrow one she bought, I gotta tell ya... I'm in love. And so is Lauren. How did I live without one of these before?

One thing Lauren is NOT in love with, however, is me trying to switch her to a different type of bottle. I've been using the Playtex Drop-ins, but while in Tupelo, they tried her on the Soothie brand and said she did well with it. I thought, hey, I hate washing bottles, but it'll be cheaper in the long run if I go with that... so last night, I bought 4 nipples to go with the soothie bottles I already had. She let me know after two feeding attempts with those things that she did NOT like it and wouldn't have anything to do with it! I thought maybe she just wasn't hungry, but I tried switching back to her old bottle... she immediately started eating normally. babies... who understands them? I sure as heck don't...

but I sure as heck love them. :D

Last night, Andrew and I went to Taco Bell and then to Wal-Mart with both children in tow. Taco Bell went okay, but wal-mart... oh, no... wal-mart did not go well at all. If I had not had Andrew with me, I don't know what I would've done. After that excursion, I sat quietly in the car for a long time on the way home, and then told Andrew, "I am not going out by myself for awhile," and burst into tears. I didn't mean to cry and wasn't planning on it... it just happened. I thought I could handle two children on my own in public, but after that trip, I'm not so sure. I wasn't even on my own, and I felt overwhelmed. I guess I broke down b/c I thought I was doing so well, and then it was like a slap in the face. I'm sure it gets better. It just didn't seem like it at the time.

Anyway, on a happier note... since spring is here, so begins "Johanna's Adventures in the Outdoors!" Yesterday was a fun start to my adventures... I went to Dad's house to pick up sticks in the yard so we can mow it. There were three goats out of their pen. I, Johanna, lured those three goats back into their pen where they belonged... all by myself. I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I called my Dad and he says, "if you didn't fix where they got out at, they're just going to get out again." Well, poo. Not my problem, though! haha I'm just a goat herder... not a fence fixer!

I plan on having a garden again this year. I'm excited about it. I hope it goes better than last year. And it should. B/c I refuse to plant cucumbers. haha NO MORE CUCUMBERS!!

I reckon that's all for now. Good day, all!

mowing grass, goats, swing, lauren, andrew, garden

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