I feel like it's been forever since I've updated, but I'm sure that if i looked at the actual dates, it really hasn't been that long.
I had an interesting thing happen to me yesterday at church. And, yes,
keepupwithjones, it's a Sister Frye story. haha (oh, in case you're wondering, in our church we call people brother or sister last name. She's not a nun or anything like that, by any means. haha) So, Sis. Frye is this old lady at my church that is notorious for being rude and saying inappropriate things. I've had several experiences with her saying things to me in particular. I guess it had been awhile since she said anything to me, and I was overdue. Anyway, she came up to me after church yesterday and asked if I had a bigger shirt I could wear b/c the one I had on was too tight. I told her I liked showing off my pregnant belly, but she informed me that it was not pretty at all and that I needed to wear something that fit. There were other ladies nearby that assured me that I looked fine, and they thought I looked cute. I just told her again that I liked showing off my baby and went on my way. The funny thing is, it didn't bother me at all b/c I knew I looked okay, so what she was saying was ridiculous. And she came up to me like five minutes later all sweet and telling me about how she loves helping out in relief society and stuff. I just gave her a hug and told her thanks for being so nice. I mean, what can I do? Everyone knows she's crazy and rude, so why get offended by it, right? haha But I also found out, too, that she asked this other lady who's pregnant if she had some bigger clothes I could borrow. haha Nice.
So, apparently, according to her, I dress like a pregnant slut. haha Woohoo! At least i'm not wearing booty maternity shorts. yikes.
i sang alot this weekend. Friday, there was a veteran's day program at my old school, and i was in the community choir for that. I sang soprano, too. gosh. that was rough. I haven't sang real soprano since high school. I hit a high b flat. yikes. then saturday night, we had a musical fireside at church, and I was in the choir for that. And then, of course, we sang in church, and I had choir practice afterwards. probably the most i've sung in years!
well, this is getting difficult since evan is in my lap and i'm typing with one hand. he got two shots today. i felt really bad for him. i got one, too. flu shot... my arm is all sore now. not cool. well, i'm going. bye!