This Will Be My Future

Nov 03, 2010 14:52

I already have an idea of what my future will be. I want to be an elementary school teacher. And I know that I will follow the elementary school teacher fashions. It is inevitable, you can try to avoid it, but you can't. First let me ask, how many people had elementary school teachers that had been teaching for a while, and were older? Did they wear themed sweaters? That you have no idea where they could have found them because they are not found in any store? Chances are you did.

I believe that for elementary school teachers, this applies to the women only, you wear these button up sweaters. When you first start teaching, you are allowed to dress fashionable but practical. But as soon as you have been teaching for 15 years, the sweater breaks out. You will all of a sudden have the urge to buy a Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, and St. Patrick's Day sweaters. It is like a switch will be turned on in your brain, and you will know where to find these sweaters. But you will not be able to utter to a non-teacher soul where these sweaters are found. Because if you do, the League of Elementary School Teachers, will beat you with yard sticks, and stuff chalk down your throat. The sweaters are a closely kept secret.

Besides the sweaters, teachers will also where long denim skirts, a turtle neck, and a button up themed sweater, along with sneakers, and earrings and pins to match the sweater. Another outfit option is the denim jumper. And if for some reason it is not a holiday, a teacher will where a green sweater with two red apples on it.

This is my fate. I have accepted it. At least I am not going to be an art or music teacher. They are required to start with the crazy sweaters. In fact I think if you are applying to be an art or music teacher, and show up to your job interview in a crazy sweater, you get hired right away.

future teaching style sweaters

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