been a while...

Feb 21, 2008 15:12

feb. 21st is how long its taken me to post in my journal...
wow, i dont think ive ever gone this long without posting in here!!

well, i started school at ISU. its crazy here, crazy in all aspects from the people to the hard hard design work im going through. not to mention spending $80/wk driving here in gas. im getting my taxes done on sunday and im pretty sure i can get that money back, or i hope to anyway.
im on my second project in 102 and working my ass off in 131. its not like anything i expected, if i even knew WHAT to expect. i havent made any friends and my lecture classes are HUGE. the biggest one has 400 people in it.. and thats a bit overwhelming to walk into early in the morning.
i started working more on my arm to finish my sleeve. im hoping to have most if not all of it done during spring break--(im counting down the days, believe me!). i got some color work done on monday but since my body is compleatly exhausted i lasted no longer than 2 hours.. which finished 3 flowers and the bird with a tiny bit of background color. ill post pictures later when its finished. i never thought that sleep and stress had an impact on my pain tolerance until this week!
im only working friday nights and saturday a double. its crazy how tired i am by the time i get out of school on friday and have to work straight though until sunday pretty much. i havent gone out at all and my alcohol tolerance has decreased quite a bit. im really looking forward to saint patrick's day considering thats when my spring break starts!!

i have to go to my 131 lecture :(
until next time....
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