It's that time of year again

Jan 03, 2010 22:20

Yes, Till, happy birthday to you! It's hard to believe that this is the 6th year that I've celebrated this guy's birthday. I feel like I was so late to the party and I wish I had discovered him (them) sooner, but I can honestly say that not a moment has been wasted. Cheers to all my wonderful friends that I met because of him. Who would've thought that just listening to a song and thinking "wow, this guy is amazing" would lead to some of the best friendships and most amazing experiences of my life?

Even when he hasn't been around, when he's off doing whatever it is he does when he's not working, the friendships remained and they grew stronger and became so much more than just fan friendships. I can honestly say this guy has changed my life. I know I always get sappy when I talk about this, but I can't help it. I love him, and I love everyone I met because of him.

Now, a whole lotta Till! I'm going heavy on the current tour pics because he's just so beautiful in all of them!!

Then there are the earlier pics which are so great:

(no Gaby, it is NOT just the wind blowing :P)

And of course this post wouldn't be complete without the very first pics that made me fall in love with him...

And this was THE ONE:

I will NEVER forget the day I saw this picture! I just thought "my GOD who IS this guy?" Sorry to repeat myself each year, but I just have to. I love you Till, thanks for everything! And thanks to all my friends who put up with and understand my madness!

rammstein, birthday, till, pics

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