I think this season and the finale in particular had the same pacing issues that we've seen before from the series (S1 and S4 particularly). They could've done a lot less with the Observers and a lot more with the Team and still have gotten through the same story
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Yeah, I've been trying not to think too hard about the plot this season because I don't think it holds up to scrutiny very well. It's possible when I go back and rewatch eventually some of it will make more sense, but it really seemed like they were hand-waving a lot of stuff
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I kind of feel that Fringe hasn't been overly successful plot-wise since the end of S3. But they've consistently nailed the emotional and character notes for which I'll forgive a lot.
I agree. Despite the plot holes: If there were no observers, then no Michael....., the finale gave us a satisfying ending that I'm not going to "logic out".
My problem is that I've watched too much Doctor Who so I have serious opinions on time travel stories so my immediate reaction was to "logic out" as I was watching. But in the end it doesn't annoy me enough to keep me from enjoying the series as a whole as some other finales have done.
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