Mnk Part 01

May 05, 2006 20:30

Treasures of Aht Urhgan is finally here. Hundreds of acres of unexplored wilderness with dozens of new monsters to bash your face in, quests, missions, assault and merits to cap in new places. So what better way to spend the spring than to change job to the second on the list and bury yourself in dungeons not in the near east but really close to home!
MNK, NIN, BLU and COR started out as lvl 11 last thursday and hit 54 this morning after a bunch of allnighters (and allmorningers for some of us) There was a lot of worms at first as per usual and with exp ring and corsairs roll we got to see some pretty high exp numbers in Shakhrami
Ended at 24 on Sauro beetles. The rest is kinda a blur but there was Korroloka crabs and Bibiki dhalmels at some point. Out of curiosity and insipired by Linaaa i started parsing all pts and now that part 1 is done I'm going to post the results here

The Batcave in Behemoths dominion made the lower 30s much more comfortable than Garbage shitadel ever will and i belive we ended at 38 here. This was also the last pt Paranoos did as war since his nin was 38 when we started and he needed to level war sub. BLU and COR was putting out pretty impressive numbers at this point.

Started out as 4 in this party too but picked up Tak who was also BLU when we moved from the Yhoat crystal camp to Bloodlet springs. His numbers are a bit unfair because of that. My highest ever combo was 304 on a Master Coeurl and ironically i learned Raging Rush during that combo and wont be using it anymore after that.

The day after was camp was moved slightly north to the Ifrits entrance...

Garlage is tedious work for little exp and makes you want to cut yourself. The 8.7% guy is a pretty awful jp blm who was 1.5k tnl and hours later @1 forever without saying anything...
Genkai 1 (|Do you need any help?|)
Was kinda exciting getting double attack back as well as Kick attacks and Cross Counters here though.
After this my mnk wont be pimp for a very very long time so i might as well enjoy it for now.

At this point the distrobution of damage procentage isnt as even as it used to be. My accuracy isnt awesome with a total of acc+11 from equip and i like to use atk food when i can. It's going to be interesting seeing what slug shot does for COR because now its a pretty weak rng with quick draw as its strongest point DD wise. Fighters and Rouges roll are very nice as luxury but it cant replace brd as party enhancer in usefulness, IMO
171 counters. I love counterstance and how frustrating it must be for mobs to be unable to hit me. Getting oneshot with death scissors is ofcourse a downside :(
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