NOT SO BERRY // Red 2.5

Jul 27, 2019 20:17

warnings: it has been a long time since i actually played this part

we start off with ghost invading the house! (also, i should probably move that bed a little)

Willow woke up to socialize with them

and then she trolled some forums

Lemon met the family's first pet

Lemon: mom, could you stop decorating the house already and do the tree with me?

Lemon: hmm, do you think it could use something more?
Willow: *is not listening*

i love her 😍

Willow on the hunt (this must be some alien's own kiss xD)

i hate the glitch with the eyelashes

you gave Lemon WHAT exactly!?

pouring all that poop anger on the spaceship

the hunt continues

Rex also broke the bathtub....... thanks

sneaky way to eat someone else's food

Lemon is flying through her career!

Bullet is the cutest

look who is visting again!

i have no idea where they suddenly got those drinks when they arrived

Wilma was there too!

they just flirting even though the waiter was trying to get their order

Host: wait, you can't do that here! you have to stop before i'm fired!
spoiler: they didn't

back at home Willow was grilling some veggies

Lemon wanted it so she got it

i've never seen these things!! so pretty

Bullet has a hard time deciding which one he's watching, Willow or Lemon

even Lynda likes him!

Willow made Bullet some food and for some reason she took it on the road?!

almost there!

oh wow, we actually have a guard dog!

it was Demario

Bullet keeping an eye on them

oh wow, that got touchy!

Lemon: you know, i have a spaceship outside. wanna go for a ride?

Willow couldn't handle someone else having romance xD

and then they somehow got stuck behind the spaceship

why are you lying there you silly dog?

he is such a good dog♥

Lemon: i was just thinking that would you consider leaving your wife for me? i mean i think we have some deep feelings for each others

Demario: oh for sure! i did that already

Demario: did you think i'd come for a ride in the spaceship with you if i was married? you're silly


okaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy o_O (i forgot i put risky woohoo on)

Demario didn't seem to be happy about the news

Demario aged up to an adult!

red, not so berry, generation 3

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