Writer's Block: Strange Conversations

Apr 18, 2009 19:51

Well, I've not had that many really -I don't like talking to strangers!  I usually ignore people.  But two stick out in my mind.

The first one was in San Diego.  My sister and I were there on holiday and  were on a tram going to Sea World (or the zoo.. can't remember which!).  Anyway, this guy suddenly started talking to us.  Like I said, not a fan of random conversations, so I was trying to find a way to politely end it but then we started talking about the UK - and I realised that it was such a confusing concept for people outside of England to get!

I'm just so used to that 4 in 3 in 1 country thing that we've got going on... England is a country and with the countries of Wales and Scotland are another sort of country called Great Britain, and with Nothern Island all 4 of us are the United Kingdom... he just couldn't understand it!  We were really going into history and everything, too - about how James (the something - possibly 6th?) of Scotland become James the first of England when the tudor line died out, so making Britain but everything was still a separate country.  I guess I can sort of forget other people (usually Americans) for not realising the Britain isn't the same thing as England.  (*Cough* Stargate Atlantis *Cough*)

And the other random conversation was on a train coming back from the Bedford Chevron Convention in February this year when this guy on the seats next to me asked if he could do a magic trick for me.  Again, not quite sure why I said yes, but it was AMAZING!!!  So awesome!  He was just so good and after about 20 minutes the whole carriage was joining in, watching and participating.  Even the guard stopped around for about 10 minutes!  I was so hyper after that I was just grinning the whole way home =D  Which was good, because I was so exhausted after Bedford that I honestly thought I'd just fall asleep before I even got there!

writer's block

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