dont cry for me argentina

Jan 29, 2006 23:38

wasssupy mes fine amies??????????????????????
i think theere are some DEEP truths to ' dont cry for me argentina , the truth is i never left you. all throug me wild days, my MAD existance i kept my promise. dont keep your distnace.. yadadadaa'
what a womper of a weekend eh? no groovy curvy slide rides of course but emotions running WILD in the wind.... like horses .
for one : CCOCAGM --> case CLOSED.
for two : whoa easy there.. pouring heart out to brother..
for three: CULTURE SHOCK . that school of mine.. ill tell YA
for four : brush with death. carbon monoxide almost got me there until kevin saved my life by advising me to open the window. as cold as it was.. im alive and thats what matters

well goodnight and goodluck. Im off to go and sleep until my parents come back on wednesday..- RIP VAN WINKLE

( nothing.. your hair in the moonlight)
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