The Story about My Day of Pride and Prejudice

Jan 08, 2011 15:33

 Okay, so, first of all, I live in France for a year and during X-mas I've been in Sweden with my family. I came back to France yesterday.

I left my hometown at ten o'clock with a fairly small airplane to go to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. That takes almost an hour, since I live up in the north. In my checked in baggage I had lots of goody stuff from Sweden, like dried reindeer, reindeer sausage, elk salami, bear sausage, coffee (and a coffee pan, because let's face it, French people can't make coffee) and of course lots of cookies.

On me I had my violin (because I can't check in a violin, it would die), a bag with fragile bread (it's crisp), and a backpack with my laptop and some books. Of course, at the security, there was this grumpy old guy who just had to leave a comment about me having too much packed, and I said I know, pleasantly as always. This is so typical Sweden. It really is the land that should have been called Passive Aggressiva (and I don't mind having Addison Montgomery as our queen (we can fire the one we already have so she can take charge of the passive aggressiveness instead)). Swedish people do not go into strike, Swedish people do not complain openly or go into fights (with exception of drunken teens), but Swedes can be really grumpy... Complaining about stuff and giving angry looks. Seriously, ever go to Sweden, take the angry stares as something really bad, then you will learn the unwritten rules of society.

Anyway, later I was on the plane to Paris from Stockholm and when we got off the plane we went in a bus to go to the terminal. Then there was people who mixed Swedish and French!! Me love!!! It was so awesome being around real franco-suédois, as you call it in French. I guess I'll have to move to France for real and like get a gf or something before I can call myself that. Or I don't really know what the criterias are.

Later I had to wait at CDG airport for a couple of hours more for my train to take me to Dijon, which is in the east of France. I sat beside this kinda cute, kinda hot, kinda sexy, probably hysterically funny, but not funny-looking guy (yes, Death Proof quote, love that movie) at the place where you can recharge computers and stuff. He was watching The Da Vinci Code and I was watching the first episode of Private Practice season 3.

I was on the phone with my parents, talking in Swedish, so he assumed I didn't speak French. A football team walked into the station and we lifted our eyebrows to each other, silently having a conversation. Smiling at each other when some weird dude did something weird and so on. Cute. I wanted to talk to him but I wanted him to find out that I can speak French in another way than me randomly breaking the silence.

When I decided I was hungry, I put back my laptop into my bag and to do that I have to take out some of my books. So I put my French philosophy books, that's made for preparing for the tests in the end of French High School, near him, but he didn't look, so I was like whatever. And I went and bought food, and I came back, and I know (because I'm not blind), that he didn't want me to go away really, so he looked kinda pleased with me coming back.

After that, when I smiled and him and said silently "I bought a sandwich, yay", he got up and later he came back with a sandwich as well. I didn't put on a movie, didn't even open the laptop, because know I was like, open up for conversation. But he put his laptop back on and I was like huh, have it your way then, and I put on the sweetest movie ever, Under the Tuscan Sun on, and I had English subs on (because I didn't really hear what they said because of all of the noise there) so I guess that confused him even more about my language situation.

He talked some with the other guy that sat next to him, but I couldn't really join in on their talking because I didn't hear what they said, and it would be random, because, they didn't even talk to me, did they?

Kinda disappointed, but still amused, I put back my laptop in the backpack, took out the books, and this time he saw the books. Oh my god, it was the funniest thing ever. He stared at the books like an alien would stare at Eiffel Tower and then on me, realizing, oh shit, she's in school in France. He looked so disappointed, like he realized he could have talked to me. I also hope he learned a freakin lesson about prejudice, seriously. I just gave him an all-knowing smile and left him there.

Then when I waited for the train I saw him walking past me and I think he was a freakin military! Hawt. We probably went with the same train too, lol. I kind of hate myself for my pride, if I could have swallowed my pride I would have started the conversation and if he hadn't been a prejudiced chicken-shit he would have too. We both learned a lesson that day.

At the train station in Dijon I had to wait over an hour for another train to take me to Auxonne, but luckily I met this guy who also lives at the school dorms and his friend. Usually, this is a so annoying boy I mostly want to murder him, but I enjoyed their company. They were nice. Actually, I think I learned two lessons that day.

I was at home at a quarter to 12, really tired, but wiser, I guess.

planes, boys, trains, sweden, france, life

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