Isolation Room - 03/04

Jan 06, 2011 01:41

Title: Isolation Room; Processing, Reassessing and Accepting 
Author: hannalizer
Pairing: Meredith/Derek + some Addek angst
Chapter: 03/04
Rating: T
Genre: drama, humor, romance
Summary: A virus has broken out at SGH which forces doctors and nurses to be isolated. This also means that Addison, Derek and Meredith have to co-exist in a very tiny room. Old school Grey's! Post season 1
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

First chapter

Second chapter

"I know you and McBastard did the McNasty," Cristina whispers. "We could hear you, but even if we hadn't heard anything, it would still be kind of obvious."

"I'm not sure he even is McBastard any more. I don't know... Maybe - maybe he could become McDreamy again."

"Aaw, ew! I'm repelled!" she exclaims, then whispers again "Look at him, his eyes are all cuddly and gooey when he looks at you. You didn't do the McNasty, you did the McLovey. That's revolting."

"We did not," Meredith says, which makes Cristina lift her eyebrows. "We did not do the McLovey. We did the McNasty, and it's not happening again," she whispers.

"Oh, so you admit it?"

Meredith rolls her eyes at her.

"You know what? I might be dying in here and you don't even spare me details."

"You're not dying."

"Oh, I so am."

Meredith doesn't bother to answer and follows Derek with her gaze and gets slightly alarmed when she sees him walking to the other room.


"Derek? You've showered?" Addison says when Derek comes over.

"Yeah," he answers and smiles. "Don't sound so surprised."

"Oh, no, not about the showering... I mean...," Addison interrupts herself with a sigh. "Never mind."

Bailey shoots him with killing stares. He ignores her and sits down on Addison's bed.

"I'm sorry for calling you Satan," he says.

Addison smiles at him, looking almost as if she's about to cry.

"Thank you," she breaths and leans in to kiss him. They haven't kissed yet, and Derek's not sure if he wants to do that yet - or - again.

Saved by the bell, a team of residents comes in, dressed in protecting gowns with masks and goggles. They are back to take more tests and see if anyone has gotten ill yet.


Two days later the chief takes a visit to provide them with the news of their medical states.

"We've got the test results," he informs. "You who have got a negative result will be able to carry on with your lives normally, but will be under further observations with more tests the following week."

"What will happen to the ones with a positive result?" Addison asks.

"You'll be moved to smaller rooms where you'll be quarantined until the disease has left your system. I am very sorry to inform the following personnel that they have a positive result," he says and takes a deep breath. "Dr. Miranda Bailey, Dr. Addison Shepherd, Dr. Derek Shepherd and Dr. Cristina Yang. Congratulations everyone else."

Meredith freezes inside. She has had unprotected sex with Derek. He is infected. She might be infected too, she can't go outside, that'd put the whole hospital - the whole city for God's sake - in danger.

She raises her hand. Derek glances at her and shakes his head slowly. He's realized what she's realized, but he's more worried about other things around the issue.

"Yes, Dr. Grey?" the chief says.

"What if you might have gotten infected later? I'd like to take the test again."

"But the Ebola has remained in the early stages and no one has gotten ill yet. There's no reason for you to take the test unless you...," and the confusion goes to realization, "Oh..."

Meredith keeps her face down at her toes, as shame prickles her skin. In the corner of her eye, she can see how Addison connects the dots, shifting her gaze from Derek to Meredith and from Meredith to Derek.

When the chief has collected himself he demands "Okay, order another test for Grey."


Addison, Derek, Meredith, Bailey and Cristina are the only ones left. They are waiting to be moved to another room where they'll be quarantined and treated. The mood is really low. Cristina has a small fever, even though she proclaims she doesn't. Addison is swallowing her anger. Bailey sees that she wants to speak up and drags Cristina along with her to the other room, to give the three some privacy. Of course she'll listen and break it off if it gets too rough.

"When?" Addison asks calmly. She's standing up. Derek and Meredith are sitting on beds opposite of each other. Addison's fists are clenched, but everything else about her seems calm and collected.

No one answers her.

"I deserve to know when," she says with a shaky voice.

"A couple of days ago," Derek answers quietly.

A small whine lets out from Addison's throat as she's fighting crocodile tears to well over.

"Why?" she sobs and a silent tear gleams on her cheek.

"I don't know," Derek answers even more quietly.

Addison lets out a loud sob and then tears start to stream down her face.

"So that is why you took back the Satan-thing," she cries, her words are almost hard to comprehend because of the tears. She's crying heavily now. "I'm so sorry about the crying, I know it must bother you."

"It's okay, Addison," Meredith says.

"No, don't you dare speak to me," Addison snaps at her.

"Addison!" Derek says.

"I can't even look at either one of you right now," she says before going to lock herself in inside of the bathroom.

"Great," Derek sighs looking at Meredith.

"You think this is my fault?" Meredith says, shocked.

He doesn't say anything but his expression says more than a thousand words.

"Oh my God... You think this is my fault! How could it be my fault?" Meredith says, raising her voice, both perplexed and pissed off.

"You didn't have to ask for another test in front of everyone!"

"I'm so hating you again!" she shrieks, standing up. "Were you even planning to choose me? Were you even thinking about picking me? I thought it meant something!"

"You were the one who said it wouldn't happen again!"

"You - are - so - STUPID! I HATE YOU!" she screams and takes a blow at his face.

"Aow!" they both cries.

Addison comes out of the bathroom to see what's going on, at the same time Bailey storms over there, followed by Cristina.

"What is going on in here?" Bailey rumbles.

Meredith is clutching her hand, rocking back and forth in pain and Derek is covering his nose in hands, blood leaking between his fingers.

"I think I broke a finger," Meredith says between clenched teeth.

"I'm bleeding," Derek says with amazement, "But... Her fists... They're so tiny..."

"Well, you both deserved it," Bailey says and takes a look at Meredith's hand.

To everyone's big surprise and astonishment Addison begins to laugh. She laughs and she laughs and she laughs. Bringing with her the others in laughter, even though their laughter has a more nervous touch.

Izzie and George come into the room with clothes, goggles and masks for them to wear while walking to the other room. They stop dead at the opening and just watches the scene that's played in front of them.

Addison supports herself against the wall, curling in laughter, tears running down her face. Meredith laughs, holding her hand and Derek laughs, blood all over his face and clothes. Cristina is curled up in a bed, laughing almost as hard as Addison. Bailey stands with her hands on her hips, shaking her head, but smiling.

"What is... What is going on?" George asks.

"These fools have put themselves in a mess that just turned violent. And now they're acting like even bigger fools, laughing about it," Bailey explains looking with disgust at Derek.

"Wow," Izzie says. "I didn't know Ebola make you go crazy."

"It doesn't!" Bailey says. "These idiots are crazy on their own."

Derek stops laughing a bit and mumbles puzzled "Did she just call me an idiot?"

"Everything's not about you, Derek! The world doesn't evolve around you," Meredith somehow manage to laugh angrily.

"Seriously... What happened in here?" Izzie asks, staring at them with bewildered eyes.

"I don't think we really want to know," George mumbles to Izzie.

"They had sex," Addison giggles, "and Derek got his ass kicked by his oh-so-perfect twelve-year-old!" she says and begins laughing even more hysterically.

"O-kay... This is strange, Izz," George mutters in Izzie's ear. He then raises his voice to talk to the group "Actually, we just came here to move you. So, you'll have to put this on so we can go..."

Addison walks up to them, laughing, and when she grabs the plastic gown she starts to cry instead. The laughing instantly dies off.

"Oh," Izzie says, and then Addison hugs her. Shocked, Izzie pats her attending on the back.

The group calms itself down and everyone is taking on the gowns, gloves, caps, goggles and masks. Izzie helps Addison, who's crying less and less by the minute.

The group walks like a small train in the vacated hallways. They aren't talking, laughing nor crying. Sometimes Addison lets out a small sob, but that's it.

The new quarantine consists of two separate rooms. It's impossible to walk between these rooms, so the group has to split up. The thought behind this was to give them a more sense of privacy and calm. These rooms are also more equipped to treat seriously ill patients.

"Okay, how do you want to do this?" Izzie asks the group nervously when they're outside of the two doors.

Bailey glares at her. Meredith crosses her arms in a mopey gesture while Derek tries to ignore Addison's hopeful gaze. Cristina looks bored.

Bailey follows Izzie's look at the others and stares at them all.

"Okay, this is how we do this," Bailey then says, clasping her hands together. "You three have got serious issues to deal with," she says pointing at Meredith, Derek and Addison. "I say, deal with them. And leave us out of it."

"Oh thank god," Cristina sighs.

Addison groans and Derek protests "You are not in charge here!"

"You know what? I think it's a great idea," Izzie says, but adds "Sorry Mer..."

"So it's settled then," Bailey says coldly and stares at him with even more cold eyes.


George and Izzie checks temperature and vitals on the doctors. Izzie also takes some blood from Meredith so that they can do the test again before she takes her to do a X-ray on her hand.

"Was it worth it?" Izzie asks her when they are outside in the empty hallways.

"Probably not," Meredith answers.

It seems as though she hasn't broken her finger, but only sprained it. Izzie wraps bandage around two fingers and over her hand. Then she follows Meredith back to her room.

"And Mer... I'm so sorry about the room-thing."

"It's fine," Meredith sighs.

"No, it's not fine. You shouldn't have to be locked in together with them. I'm so sorry. I truly am."

"Then why did you agree with Bailey? You said you thought it was a good idea," Meredith says, trying not to sound too angry.

"Because she's Bailey, and she's really scary! And I'm really tired and working extra shifts now when you guys are gone and some has skipped work because they're scared of the Ebola virus. But seriously, I'm more scared of Bailey, and if she doesn't want to spend time with you guys, she won't have to. I'm sorry. Seriously."

Meredith frowns and they walk under silence for a while. She soon thinks the silence gets awkward and decides to change the subject in their minds to something completely else.

"So, what are you guys doing while we are caged up?" she therefore asks.

Izzie lights up right away.

"George says that there was a massive cardio case. Dr. Burke needed lots of help, so both he and Alex got to scrub in. George got to do a running-whip-stitch! Can you believe it Mer? So amazing."

"Okay, don't tell Cristina that," Meredith jokes.

"It's gonna be boring without you guys around. I hope you make it through easily. Not that you wouldn't. But, I mean 90% fatality rate, that's hard, but that was in Congo-Kinshasa. That makes it different. I'm sure as long as they stop your bleedings and keep you hydrated, I'm sure you're going to be fine. Just fine..."

"Izzie. You're babbling."

"Oh, sorry," Izzie says, stopping outside of the quarantined room. "Good luck, Mer. Don't hit anyone again. It's not worth it. Protect your surgeon hands."


To Meredith's dread her test results ended up positive. All she can do is to wait to get sick and then get better. In the meanwhile she has got to survive something much worse...

"So, we're alone," Derek states with an empty tone of voice, burying his face in his pillow.

"Yep," Meredith says. She's sitting at her bed, wiggling her toes, at the far end of the room, to avoid the McMarried as much as possible.

"I'm still not really talking to you two," Addison tells them. She's staring at the ceiling in a bed beside Derek's.

"Oh, that's a real loss," Derek mutters, turning around so his words won't get muffled by the pillow.

"Stop treating me like that! I do not deserve that treatment!" Addison protests, sitting up.

"Yeah, right," Derek says sarcastically.

"I'm not the only one responsible! You haven't been the best husband Derek," Addison says, raising her voice.

Meredith gets to her feet.

"Stop it!" she yells.

Both Addison and Derek turn around to look at her.

"We are locked in here. Quarantined, isolated. All three of us are going to get seriously ill - deadly ill! And you can't be fighting all the time! Otherwise, we better just slit our wrists right here and now and be done with it!"

"Jeez, Meredith, calm down," Derek says, staring at her with his mouth open with a baffled expression on his face.

"No, Derek. She's right."

"So, apologize or something," Meredith urges them which gives her killing stares from two pairs of eyes.

"Yeah, Derek, apologize," Addison says draggily.

"Why should I apologize? You apologize!"

"You both apologize!" Meredith says, clenching her fists (or as much as she can with one of them).

"And you," Addison squints at Meredith, "you should apologize to me for stealing my husband."

"I didn't even know he was a husband. That's not fair."

"That's true. Leave her out of it Addie."

"Am I being called Addie now?" Addison asks with a bit more softer voice.

"Whatever," Derek grunts.

"Seriously, just apologize," Meredith says, starting to feel tired.

"I guess I should start," Addison sighs. "I'm sorry for sleeping with Mark."

"I'm sorry for... calling you Satan."

"You're not sorry for sleeping with Meredith?" Addison asks with disbelief.

"No. She was the best thing that happened to me," Derek says, holding his eyes steady at Addison and totally ignoring Meredith.

Addison doesn't answer right away. Her eyes flickers to Meredith and she's swallowing the hurt.

"Haven't you considered that I still might be the love of your life? That I still might be the best thing that's happened to you?"

"I don't know Addie... I don't want to consider anything. You are going back to New York when we get out of here."

"Come with me."

"No, I'm staying. You know I'm staying."

"But you're my husband..."

"Yeah, you should have thought of that before you slept with my best friend!"

Addison gets to her feet and shouts "You should have thought of that before you practically made me sleep with him!"

"Made you?" he growls, getting to his feet as well.

"Yeah! You were never there Derek! Never! I was so alone! And then I slept with him in an act of desperation! I was desperate for you to see me! And then when you saw what we did, you just walked away. You walked away, Derek!"

"Why did it have to be Mark?"

"Mark was there. He saw me. He saw me when you didn't. You were the one who should have seen me, but you didn't and that's on you."

"It's still your fault. Why you cheated doesn't matter, the thing that matters is that - you - did!"

Meredith decides to not just stand there and watch them fight, so she steps between them while shouting "hey hey hey!"

"Don't interfere, Meredith," Derek says coldly, without losing eye contact with his wife.

"No, don't tell me what to do. I'm a part of this."

"No you're not," Derek says sharply.

"Yes she is," Addison says. "She's a perfect example of you being childish! After just walking away you choose a twelve-year-old to screw around with as revenge!"

"That's not true!" Derek rumbles, towering over Addison, who's holding her ground.

"Stop it!" Meredith yells. "What the hell is wrong with you two?"

"Fine," Derek says and walks away to get some privacy, which makes him go to the bathroom, the only place where they can be alone.

Addison sighs and lies down on her bed, turning her back to Meredith.

grey's anatomy, ebola, merder, fanfiction

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