Lately, I'm finding myself seeking out things that other phones can't do, simply so I can immediately go ahead and do just that. I realize that this isn't very healthy, or particularly nice--but it's a new feeling for me that I get to gloat about something I can do that's totally awesome.
Can I customize the shit out of everything, everywhere? Check.
Can I download and insert a new style of keyboard that didn't come pre-loaded into my phone (because touch-screen QWERTYs are a stupid idea), and customize the shit out of it? Check check.
Can I have a telephone conversation without the worry of my lovely cheek potentially opening random programs, muting the call, or even hanging up on someone? Checkity check check.
Can I get root access to my phone to insert custom ROMs if I want to? Yes indeedy.
Can I broadcast my own WiFi signal from my phone and control who can connect to it? Fuck yes.
I'm excited about the ridiculously cool things I can do with this little device, and I'm sure there are many things I can do that I have yet to discover. I feel like I simply need to ask out loud "Can I do this?" and a little green robot will undoubtedly answer "Affirmative."
And finally, one last thing to leave you with that will prove the superiority of Android over the iPhone:
Heh. JOKES, everyone.