We're getting ready to go out for the Festival thingy today.
Jessemalin got here last night and we must have stayed up all night talking. It was a lot of fun. And I've been used to staying up nights and sleeping days lately so it was nice to have him to talk to rather then my nose in a book. We stayed up long enough to see the sun rise and then crashed for awhile. I talked to
ms_jessicka_f a little bit ago. The poor dear apparently had a bad flight and was mumbling something about "evil twins". Sicka wants to goth up Jesse and I. ::laughs:: With my black hair, this should be a sight to see. I told Ville about it and he suggested I wear a pink scarf somewhere so he would be sure to recognize me. I wonder if I have one some where... I finally got Cupcake head (Sicka) to talk to Ville. I thought she was gonna kill me for that! But she survived and actually chuckled about it afterwards, until I told her that Ville wanted to meet her in person at the festival. I never realized eye's could pop that far out of a person's head.
a_stanford is flying in tomorrow to see Jesse. It will be nice to finally meet him since Jesse has told me a lot about him. I hope we get along okay. I'm sorta nervous about meeting him. I dunno why either. I guess its cause he's an Xman. ::laughs:: Or something like that.
After this weekend I'm not sure what's going to happen. I've been trying to make a decision about something for the last few days now and I think I've finally made it. It's going to change my life dramatically but I think its for the best. I'm hoping I've made the right decision, I'm pretty sure I have though. And as soon as I take care of everything I need to I'll be on my way to see Brian and Steffy and Steve in whatever country they are in right now. If I disappear at all or seem a lot quieter then usual, rest assured I'll be okay. It just means I'm dealing with my decision the best way I know how.