Apr 23, 2005 14:55
Kris and I are going to the Rodeo tonight! Ain't y'all jealous you don't live here in Ellensburg? We are going with a good size gang of kids. It should be pretty fun!!!
I am disgusted with my little sister. Our family holds a special bond, all of us kids wouls never turn on another and we have a unity that no one else ever understands. My younger sister betrayed that and attempted to blackmailed and threaten my little brothers into keeping a horrible secret that would have had the potentional to possibly ruin our family and destroy friendships. How dare she turn against my brothers. I don't even want to speak with her...she is a mean person. She is the only one of us to ever break the bond and I don't want to even talk about her anymore..there...done.
I have to study and write a paper...damn I really don't want to.
We are going to be home for the 6th 7th and 8th of may....I would love to see some of the gang!