Polanski, Ralph Lauren and Karl Lagerfeld

Oct 16, 2009 17:10

I re-read my last blog, and on Polanski and through my anger I missed a lot of things I wish I had of written. Still love Bitter Moon and many of Polanski's films. I cannot say I won't watch them. But I came upon this video of him in which he says when asked about the rape, "She was young and we had a love affair, nobody was hurt" and something about it being legal. Except that it is notand the girl had no idea they were in a "love affair". She just thought she was being used and abused by an old pervert. Here is the video. Judge for yourselves:

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The whole Polanski thing is tied in with the rape culture. The man was 43. The girl was 13, in grade 7 or 8. Think about that. This girl probably just started menstruating. Oh, and the big deal about her having had sex before? I had no idea that only virgins could be raped. Who knew? The fact that she had sex twice prior to her rape with her boyfriend wasn't much mentioned by the pro-Polanski propaganda team. How troubling is it that many of these people support this man? Some don't (shout out to Chris Rock). By supporting Polanski we are supporting rape. We give complicit consent for our daughters amd sisters to be treated as disposable people. Sex toys. Bodies without souls. Are we supporting Polanski by watching movies we have already bought? I don't think we are, but some would like to see us burn everything Polanski. I won't be doing that. Ditto Woody Allen.

Some in the media are applying blame to the now 43 year old woman because her mother may have pushed her into modelling, or because she had once done a Quaalude. Funny how soon we forget many of our teen years where we experimented with weed, sex and everything we could. This was the 70's right? Nothing makes this girl complicit in her own rape. Polanski was a grown man. This girl was 13 years old. Polanski called it a "love affair" this girl called it rape. The "pro-Polanski t-shirt wearing crowd" should apply the same separation of art from the man as those of us who believe he raped that girl. I'm sure we can all agree that raping or even having sex with a 13 year old kid is bad, and that Polanski's films are good. See that was easy.

Ralph Lauren and Karl Lagerfeld - Scumbags

I know I know. Why so hard on these men? Hello? Ever read some of the quotes coming out of the Crypt Keeper's mouth?

Here is the Crypt Keeper:

Creepy man. So what is it about Kreepy Karl that is so despicable? Well, here is a sample of what he has to say about models. You might want to refrain from hitting the computer screen. (I really had to):

[Quote]"No one wants to see curvy women. You’ve got fat mothers with their bags of chips sitting in front of the television and saying thin models are ugly.”"[Quote]

More at the link below. Just google "Karl Lagerfeld hates fat women" and it is all over the net. Karl Lagerfeld actually hates all women. Because only someone who did could think like this - that being an ultra thin anorexic is a good thing. Ever.

Below Karl Lagerfeld claims Coco Channel wasn't "ugly enough" to be a feminist. Not only is the man a complete asshole, he's also a misogynist pig. Nice one Karl. Take off your clothes so we can critique you until you cry. Until you are nothing but a sad, pathetic shell of yourself. Until you hate yourself so bad you stop eating. Oh wait, well at least we are half way there - you're old, cranky and a pig.


Here are the models Kreepy Karl prefers:

The jury is not out on Karl Lagerfeld. He's a pompous old windbag who thinks of women in terms of coat hangers. Oh yes, he has a flock of women who defend him at a drop of a hat. Not much different than Polanski supporters. I don't get either type actually.

Then there is Ralph Lauren. He's been all over the net today because he fired a beautiful, long working model because she couldn't fit ito his clothes anymore. You be the judge. First the allegations from model Filippa Hamilton, who had been a Ralph Lauren model for 7 years (from the time she was 15):

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We hear about the letter Mr Lauren gave her, telling her she was fired because she could no longer fit into his cloths. We can see that at 5'10" she and 120 pounds she is clearly thin and not even remotely "fat". Evidence #1:


Total cow. Ralph Lauren tried to get the media to stop posting pictures of an incredibly photoshopped Filippa (link above). His method, why the upstanding people at the DMCA. That isn't going to work Karl! Sending out threatening messages to bloggers. The bigger crime is of course the way he made this model look. Like a stick with a giant head. I'm not sure what he meant to accomplish by this. Most men do not want sticks with giant heads. In fact, I think most men would take Filippa and women bigger than her (almost everyone) as they are. So what and who is Ralphie aiming these ads at? I could get into conspiracy theories about fashion and women, of which I have many, but I leave you, the reader, to judge for yourself. This picture was what prompted Filippa to complain. And no, this is not the first time Ralph Lauren has done this. I point you to Michael K's D-Listed site for more. The evidence:


We live in a world in which women who make the most money do so by showing off their bodies. The highest paying women are actresses, models, call girls and other women in the sex/movie industry. Women have been told that we should dress how we like, but if we dress like a "slut" then we're asking for it. It we dress too old or modest, we're puritans. We aren't suppposed to encourage our girls to dress as they wish - like that of their peers. We are supposed to teach our daughters how to avoid having their drinks spiked, how to avoid dressing in revealing clothes, how to walk at night watching everything around you, how to avoid getting lost or being alone with men drinking. Yet why is it that we don't teach the boys to stop treating women like meat? Why do we not teach the boys that walking behind a woman is bad. That when in an elevator alone with a woman make small talk or don't take the same elevator? To not date rape women, to deal with women with respect?

Then there are shows and video deposits like World of Hip Hop, which has video after video of girls in next to nothing doing the most degrading things to and for men. This is no where near empowerment. I would love to see the tables turned for three months. Let men be objectified to the same level. make them fear being alone outside at night. Make them afriad of what they wear and how they wear it. Ensure we sell all products using just their torsos or their faces. Remove all vestiges of personality from them and ake them simply and only walking meat.

My guess is after a few months of being treated like garbage, they'll question how they think of and treat women and girls.

Men, we are not yours to damage. You do not own us, even if you pay all the bills. You do not get to tell us how we live our lives. You do not get to blackmail us with threats when you are angry and you don't get to watch football and masturbate any time you'd like while we slave doing nice things for you. Things need to change.

rape culture, polanski, misogyny, sexism, ralph lauren, anorexia

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