May 17, 2004 21:44
My mom's dad sent her to private bible schols her entire life, including bible college. my mom managed to somehow escape her families conservative christianity, at least mostly. the rest of her 8 brothers and sisters didn't. and they have all grown up to raise equally as large families in the same manner spread strategilicly along the bible belt of this fine country. less than half of these cousins have i met.
today i got a call from Uncle Johnathan. his oldest daughter Kimberly is 17, they live in new hampshire somewhere and he and my mother had chatted a bit earlier today about maybe having kimberly and i meet up. maybe we could have tea together or salads.
he then got to the questions about how she could go about getting a job on Monhegan this summer. and now i get out of story mode and continue with profanity. fuck that shit, i don't want a fucking jesus loving cousin to go out and get shit fucked every night and then get in trouble for not looking out for her or something equally as fucked as that. fuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhck thats what i have to say abou that. so i told uncle jonathan that it was a crazy party scene run by mid twenty year old hippies.....
yeah, fuck that shit. i'm meeting kimberly in kittery at some point. FUCK
in other news...
i enjoy having a crush again.....and posting about it cheesily in my live journal..... i'm awesome.