
Dec 27, 2003 14:03

ok so i've been in denial all these years and i'm gonna take this post to come clean.

dogma by kevin smith, is not simply an "O.K." by comparison with the original kevin smith trilogy.
it truely is fucking great.

for the past few years i have been in complete denial of the fact that kevin smith can still produced good movies even with more funding and more famous actors. i just didnt want to believe it. don't get me worng i am a hard core smith fan, but i simply saw both dogma and jay and silent bob strike back as good movies compared to chasing amy, mallrat,s and clerks, which are holy freaking awesome movies.

so after getting dogma for christmas i watched it today and seriously was blown away by how great it was.

i'll just say i'm sorry to anyone i have bashed for likeing dogma more then the original three. i was wrong about it. but i still fucking hate people that like jay and silent bob strike back and don't even know who kevin smith is or that he has put out 4 other movies at least......(i've heard tell of some clown movie? and glory daze has a few markings of a kevin smith film, but he may have only helped out in it)
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