Jul 03, 2006 17:56
I hurt my finger on Saturday at the Flatfoot 56 show. My pinky to be exact. I was moshing around, having a great time with my homies looking almost drunk. Then I stopped to watch the band for awhile and that's when it happened....i look up and a semi-tiny teenage boy comes flying off the stage straight towards me. Without giving it much thought I put my arms up to catch him and i was the only one holding him up. So that's when my right arm gave out and soon after others came to hold him up but his legs had come down on my hand in which my pinky bent further than it's supposed to out to the side. It didn't hurt at all so it was shrugged off and more show antics were performed. Such as the dog pile,luggi spitting and the parting of the crowd and the smashing together of the crowd soon after...Good ol' times with the flatfoot guys and marty my protector. i have to have the splint on for 4 weeks but it's not gonna stop me from skate boarding or gettin crunk at great shows. Broken pinky+ great show=good stories and even better memories.
Catch the unity bug,
Hannah whos 21 and is still a tomboy.(as my mother said this morning at the doctors office)