Sketchbook Page's 012 & 014

Sep 16, 2010 16:41


Sketchbook 01 Page 12 - Beach Studies

Sketchbook 01 Page 14 - BK Butt
From the out-of-sequence title, I'm sure you can guess I'm not yet sharing the previous pages. I have a habit of moving through the sketchbook at random, so the pages are not exactly chronological!

Page 12 was done during a day at an estuary/beach - the sketches were 30 second and 1 minute sketches, using both a marker pen and fine line architects pen. I drew the crab from life as well, after finding a dead one in a pool.

Page 14 is drawn from photographic reference, once again sourced from DeviantArt's stock reference collection. It's mixed media on brown paper glued into my sketchbook - biro/ballpoint pen, watered-down white acrylic, black marker and coloured pencils (derwent artists) - and yes, I deliberately left the BK label there, it amused me XD


page 14, sketchbook 01, mixed media, sketches, female, page 12, quick, still life, studies, life drawing

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