Aug 12, 2003 17:33
Got up early monday morning and headed up to middlebury... hated it... no personality, no excitement, nothing to it... stayed in a cute little inn, played tennis for an hour with dad (i miss that sport), out to a cute little dinner, then this morning up early to go to dartmouth. liked dartmouth a lot - really not any negatives to that at all. could totally see myself there. wouldn't apply early or anything, but would totally apply normally. yay. home, driving the stickshift all the way (stalled at a toll, i was sooo nervous) but i'm finally home. heading out tomorrow to philly, seeing upenn and swarthmore, then princeton, then mcs reunion... staying with danielle a bunch, probably home like umm next tuesday or so. whew. going to see amy tonight! and scodes and jonny s(one) and jon barry and merl and los. but i haven't seen amy in like 7 weeks so that is obviously the most exciting. she's actually on her way now to pick me up so i'm gunna go attempt to be like hygenic and NOT look like i've been in a car for the past 5 hours. peaceee.