Mar 08, 2006 20:19
Over the course of obtaining my Associate of Arts degree I learned many lessons. There were moments of great achievement but also many mistakes. I began the process almost six years ago when I left for Bowling Green State University two days after graduating from high school. Bowling Green had taken me in on a probationary basis which stated I could start early and, if I proved myself, I could continue in the fall.
That summer was very challenging as I lived away from my parents for the first time in my life, struggled with course work, and attempted to balance coed dorm life with it all. I did well enough that semester that I was permitted to continue in the fall. During fall semester my weaknesses began to show through and I was forced to withdraw. I returned in the Spring but only slightly more prepared and by the end of the semester I had been placed on academic probation. I returned home to my parent's house and for the first time began to work a 40-hour work week.
While working I recognized I had given up an opportunity to go to college full time without any other responsibilities. I knew I needed to return to school so I enrolled at Tri-C's Eastern Campus and earned a 4.0 for the first time in my life. With that, I proved to myself that I was capable of success. Since then, save a slight back step at Columbus State Community College, I have achieved progressively higher goals.
I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cuyahoga Community College with my Associate of Arts degree. While at Tri-C I participated in several clubs and organizations on campus. I was a member and also served as Treasurer for the Chi Omega chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, was a member and also served as President of the History Club on campus, am a member of the National Scholars Honor Society, and have been recognized in the National Deans List.
As President of the History Club I brought a speaker from Alabama to my campus to give a lecture on the lynching of Emmett Till during the fiftieth anniversary of his death. I started a program called "Warm Up Cleveland" in which I gave knitting lessons weekly to knit rectangles that would ultimately become blankets for homeless children in Cleveland. I became a certified student leader, and represented my school at an International Honors Institute for Phi Theta Kappa this past summer. I did all of this while working either full time or part time and living with my husband.
I hardly recognize myself when compared to the girl who was placed on academic probation by Bowling Green State University. Although I know how much more difficult I made the process on myself, I would never change it. I learned so much from my mistakes and know the pride I have in my accomplishments is due to the fact that I have seen the alternatives.
Please, please, please, please read this and give me some feedback. It has to be 250-500 words. I am currently at 503 but I think that will be ok. Am I kissing ass or just effectively displaying my growth? I hate this part of the whole thing. I know I'm going to get in, that's not the issue, I'm trying to not have to pay for school or at least not any more than I have to. I dunno, I just need help. That, or I'm panicking.