Had a great night last night in Liverpool at The Cavern.
I'm sorry to say I had a bit of a fangirl moment last night at The Cavern. Did apologise to the guys for my moment of weakness, but when we were in the backstage room, I had a total moment due to the fact James Marsters had once been in there!!
Even managed to find James's signature on the ceiling and took a pic of it.
Had a bit of a random moment on the motorway on the journey over to Liverpool. Was queuing in traffic and had my music blaring out of my stereo, Failsafe as it happens, and my window was wound down a bit. And I heard someone beep their horn, so I turned to see a guy in a people carrier type car in the outside lane next to me, with his passenger window down a bit, nodding his head to the music and gave me a thumbs up. So I just smiled and nodded and pulled forward in the traffic.
A minute later he had pulled up alongside me again, and this time he had his mobile in his hand and shouted thru' his window that he wanted my mobile number!! I obviously wasn't going to give him it, so said no and he was like "I'll ring you, just give me your number". I just said "I'm not gonna give you my number" and pulled forward in the traffic again.
If he just wanted to know who the band was, he could have asked that, but as if I was gonna give my mobile number out to some strange guy on the motorway. I mean a people carrier says to me there had to be a wife and probably kids somewhere, so as if!!
But other than - a pretty good journey to be honest, despite the crappy weather. The guys played great and good time was had by all I think. If anyone's interested - here's a link to the photos.