Were you there when a man dressed as Spiderman with a gigantic dildo stuck in his tights got up on the Hampden Idol stage and performed "Spill the Wine" while gyrating and thrusting before a crowd of stunned hipsters, wary parents, and delighted children?
Were you there when Tony went on to rock us all like a hurricane, winning first place, and finally bringing to fruition the comment that
Overheardgirl, well, overheard, at the end of last year's Hampden Idol?
Were you there at Putty Hill Skateland, saved from the wrecking ball by the immense popularity and dedication of Charm City Rollergirls, for their first season's championships?
Were you there when the CCRG refs faced down the all-male Pioneer Valley team, and roundly beat them? Johnny Crash was an unstoppable force, a juggernaut shoving all opposing players off of him like so many gnats. Meanwhile, Justice Feelgood Marshall was unstoppable in another sense--the man would not take a fall. Every time he got knocked down, he would be right back on his skates before the pack had even passed him, barely breaking stride as he got back up. It was an exciting match, and carried an extra level of danger for the audience--not like your average rollergirl is a wisp of a thing (as I can attest, having had Cyndi Lop-Her slide into me later in the night), but a 200-pound guy crashing into you at full speed, that's scary.
Were you there when
Plantastic and I, sitting side by side but having purchased our tickets at completely different times, won first and second prize, respectively, in the CCRG raffle?
Most amazingly, were you there when the Night Terrors pushed through in the final lap to win a stunning upset over the previously undefeated Speed Regime, thus winning the league championship? The crowd couldn't believe it; we were all up on our feet and screaming. (Today, my leg muscles and throat are slightly sore from the jumping up and down and the shouting, "TER-RORS! TER-RORS! TER-RORS!") No one knew what the final score would be--there had been a confusing call to halt the last jam and restart it, and in the midst of all that, it was hard to tell if Joy Collision's furious burst of strength was going to net the Terrors any points at all. But when the final 10-0 (10-0!) score was announced and the Terrors had won, we all went briefly insane. This team started out as such underdogs, and to go on to beat what has been essentially the New York Yankees of CCRG--and in such dramatic fashion, at the very last minute--was just a joy to witness.
And were you there, afterward, at the afterparty in a Northeast Baltimore roadhouse bar, at the moment when it finally became possible to love Speed Regime again? At the moment when they went from unbeatable elite team to half a dozen girls shout/singing "Livin' on a Prayer" into a karaoke mike at the top of their exhausted lungs? We live for the fight when that's all that we got, they sang, and in that second they stopped being the New York Yankees and became just another team that could be beaten, but never beaten down.
Were you there? Were you there for any of it? Were you there for all of it?
Because I was.