So. David Carradine just died.
I've always had a very conflicted relationship with Carradine. When I was younger, we watched Kung Fu (reruns--I'm not that old) all the time. We used to quote it to each other, call each other Grasshopper. We also watched Quincy (because of Sam) and Star Trek (because we were dorks, but also because of Sulu), but
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Race is such a weird subject, intrinsically, isn't it? The other day, someone brought up a mental exercise they'd had to do in grad school, of deciding whether, if you had to change one thing about yourself, you'd choose being less smart, less educated, less attractive or a different race. "Oh my god, there was a point in my life when I would have killed to be Chinese!" I piped up, without thinking. "It would have made my life so much easier!"
It turns out that, in constructing the exercise, no one had considered that 1) someone might consider being non-white an advantage, and 2) someone might consider "non-white" to refer to anything other than African-American. We have a long way to go for our ideas and discussions about race to catch up with the realities on the ground, is I guess what I'm saying.
Education is over-rated. Being over-educated has made me a lot of fun at parties, but that's about it, really.
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