Wychurst Easter Work Week

Mar 29, 2010 06:54

 ... Well, 4days anyway. Here's a quick list of jobs I did:
  • Finishing digging out the peasants end (the left hand end as you look at the pic below) of the hall ready for the floor to be laid (that's about 5days of 15people and a mini digger digging and lugging before the dry mix, bricks and wood could go in)
  • WHEELBARROWS!!!!! Yes more shifting of floor dirt across the other side of the burgh (and levelling it with a rake)
  • AND shifting dirt to the palisade to fill in gaps then raking level and stomping it firm
  • Evening out the service road with Chris the climber, a couple of rakes, the mini digger and the roller. Made VERY short work of it.
  • Lugging sarking boards into the longhall (YAY WOODEN FLOOR 1/3 DONE NOW!!!!)
  • Digging out the french drain (ditch filled with flint bits) around the longhall as it was all clogged with mud and leaves 
  • Washing flints to refill the drain with
  • Cutting back the excess pond liner in said drains
  • Sorting the excess flints onto ONE tarp for the rain to start washing them (and getting them outta the way of the path to the wood pile)
  • Lugging random planks and poles from behind the longhall to the proper wood pile
  • Making lunch for about 20people every day (only sarnis thankfully!)
  • Moving logs from the wood shed for the fire in the evenings
  • Cleaning all the shovels, spades, rakes and forks and putting them away
So yeah... Rather exhausting really but I've recovered from it much quicker this time. I think remembering to take my camp bed helped a fair bit!  As ever there was much drinking and chatting around the fire each evening ( about 9pm - 2:30am), though I only drank 2 bottles of wine over 4 nights! ... This was ample for still being able to get up at 7/7:30 though lol!
Ooh, also Kev the cook finished levelling the ex-garden (job I started last time) with the mini digger this time so it looks awesome now too :)

The site also looks SO much better for having the potholes filled and having neat stacks of materials all in one place now... And that's not even saying just how amazing the new wood floor is so far!!! :D Ahh so happy!! I can't wait for the next work weekend in May now! I'll have to get pics of the floor then as I forgot my camera this time :(

For now you can content yourselves with the best pics I have from the hall. If you want all of them they're on my facebook.

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