Mar 12, 2005 14:43
last night was frickin' insaine. levy and i went babysittin' at these ppl's house which was like 28 million dollars, it was soo fucking huge. they had a movie theature, gym, full out bar, locker room, pool, sauna, 10 tv's, 7 bedrooms and like 12 bathrooms. kk, so we got there and we were there 4 like 1/2 hr waiting for them to come home from their son's banquet. then they told us they'd b back at 12:00 but got back at 1:30. then they pay'd levy $70 we were soo fucking mad, oh and we got driven home by two drunk guyz, that pretty much raps up the night. then we woke up finished raise ur voice, watched some OTH episodes, and then i had 2 leave. now i'm gunna: put on a face mask, take a shower, do my hair, do my toenails, and my fingernails, and attempt for all of that 2 take like 4 hours cauz that's when levy and froot r coming' over !! wow, this'll b funn!!!
<3 Hannah