Dec 04, 2007 13:56
I haven't had a lick of time to do anything story related. I throw myself upon the mercy of the public. Updating will be done soon, I promise, and I will be continuing the story until it is complete to my satisfaction. In my defense, I have been working two jobs all week. This is the first chance I've had to be anywhere near the computer in several days. The Evil Ferret Overlord helped Alter Ego write a Christmas letter to Santa Claus. For your reading pleasure, to tide you over until the next batch of crack is prepared:
Dear Santa, please send me a cow.
Please send a big Angus heifer right now.
It's not about love for the critters,
It's not for the poor bovine's sake.
It's not about love for the farmland,
It's more to do with my love of the steak.
Oh, Santa, I'm in such need of protein,
And tofu and peanuts won't do.
The only way I can be satisfied
Is with something that used to say "moo."
Dear Santa, please send me a cow,
A steer or maybe a calf,
Or a cow to provide me a fresh glass of milk,
Right before I saw the thing in half.
Oh, Santa, I must have a burger,
Or a T-bone or possibly a roast,
Before I shrivel and die
(Wouldn't that make you cry)
And you have to feed steak to my ghost.
Alter Ego and the Evil Ferret Overlord